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Supporting #NokiaRSA. Testing and Certification Nokia testing devices for mLab companies Access to remote testing services Physical testing environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting #NokiaRSA. Testing and Certification Nokia testing devices for mLab companies Access to remote testing services Physical testing environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 supporting #NokiaRSA

2 Testing and Certification Nokia testing devices for mLab companies Access to remote testing services Physical testing environment for Nokia (testing suite, flashing station etc.) Ensuring access to proto devices for the mLab top companies Access to private API’s and SDK’s for top developers Application certification #NokiaRSA

3 Training on Nokia platforms as part of the mLab curriculum Certifications of mLab developers Accreditation of training partners Training and Accreditation #NokiaRSA

4 Mentorship model for mLab Link mentorship to competitions and membership programs Sharing of business intelligence Business mentoring and intelligence #NokiaRSA

5 Events Messaging Competitions Outreach Activities #NokiaRSA

6 Market research Consumer behavior Research capabilities Research Programs #NokiaRSA

7 Development outsourcing Prototyping R&D Outsourcing #NokiaRSA

8 Link mLab companies to funding instruments VC partnerships Incubate companies out of mLab Funding #NokiaRSA

9 Derrick Kotze Developer Outreach and Marketing +27 82 567 6817 #NokiaRSA

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