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The Progressive Era 1900-1917 The Americans, Chapter 9.

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1 The Progressive Era 1900-1917 The Americans, Chapter 9

2 The Roots of Progressivism Throughout the 1800s there were organized efforts to reform specific problems in society  The abolitionist movement worked to end slavery.  Temperance activists sought to ban alcohol  The suffrage movement championed women’s right to vote.  Individuals worked to improve conditions in our prisons and mental health facilities.  Volunteers established “settlement houses” in cities to provide services to poor immigrants.

3 During the Gilded Age in the late 1800s, “muckraking” journalists called attention to corruption in government, poor working conditions, and poverty in our cities. By the turn of the century, the growing middle class had come to believe that the government could play an active role in improving our society. Under the umbrella of the Progressive Movement, they pursued a variety of reforms.

4 The Progressive Umbrella Economic Ending Expansion of Moral Protecting Economic Ending Expansion of Moral Protecting Reform Corruption Democracy Issues Workers Reform Corruption Democracy Issues Workers ↓ in State ↓↓ ↓ ↓ in State ↓↓ ↓ Anti-Trust and Local Women’s Temperance Child Anti-Trust and Local Women’s Temperance Child Legislation Governments Suffrage ↓ Labor Laws ↓ Prohibition ↓ Prohibition Direct Election Direct Election of Senators of Senators

5 The Issue of Trusts Theodore Roosevelt, the first President of the Progressive Era, liked to be known as a “trust-buster.” The Sherman Anti- Trust Act of 1890 was later reinforced by the Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914, which outlawed specific types of trusts.

6 Trusts The Grange- this club was to serve as a social club for farmers but it later developed into an organization that fought for economic and political reforms for farmers. The Interstate Commerce Act- this act prohibited railroads from charging more for short hauls than for long hauls over the same route. This marked a change from laissez-faire policies of the past.

7 The Populist Platform Like the Grangers before them, the Populists wanted government interference in business and society. They wanted the following: A) Government Ownership of railroads B) Graduated income tax so that wealthy individuals paid a higher rate C) Immigration Restrictions with quotas D) Shorter Work day of 8 hours

8 William Jennings Bryan In 1896, the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan for President after he delivered His “Cross of Gold” speech. The speech praised farmers and denounced bankers for “Crucifying mankind on a Cross of Gold”. Bryan narrowly lost the election to William McKinley, a pro-business candidate.

9 Cross of Gold Speech

10 The 16 th and 17 th Amendments The Sixteenth Amendment made it legal for the national government to collect income taxes. The Seventeenth Amendment changed the way our U.S. Senators are chosen. They are now directly elected by the citizens of their states, not by their state legislatures, as they had been before. (See underlined memory hints above.)

11 The Temperance Movement The Temperance Movement Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, reformers worked to ban the sale of alcohol (pictured in the banner as a snake). They believed that most social problems were caused or compounded by alcohol use. The 18 th Amendment was passed in 1919 and the Prohibition Era began.

12 The Women’s Suffrage Issue Susan B. Anthony was one of many famous “suffragists” who worked throughout the second half of the 19 th Century and the Progressive Era to win women the right to vote. The 19 th Amendment finally gave women the right to vote in national elections in 1920.

13 Social Gospel Movement Social Gospel Movement- called for social reforms like the abolition of child labor and safer working conditions Jane Addams- Founder of Hull House; a settlement house created to aid new American immigrants in crowded cities.

14 The Issue of Child Labor Child labor laws varied from state-to-state. Some states continued to allow children as young as 5 or 6 years old to work long days in the factories. Many poor families chose to send their kids to work instead of school.

15 At this time, the U.S. Constitution was interpreted to mean that only state governments, not the national government, could pass ↓ laws related to child labor. Many progressive state governments set minimum age laws or mandatory school attendance laws during the Progressive Era.

16 Muckrakers Muckrakers were journalists that exposed the “muck” or dirt of American life. Upton Sinclair exposed the Meat Industry in his book, “The Jungle”

17 Conservation Issues The conservation movement began during Progressive Era 1903- First national wildlife refuge (in Florida) 1905- U.S. Forest Service created Altogether, Roosevelt set aside 16 national monuments, 51 wildlife refuges and 5 new national parks (including the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Yosemite National Park)

18 The Issue of Civil Rights Despite the serious problems with racial discrimination during this time period, race relations and the rights of minorities were not considered major issues by the typical progressive reformer. This issue was not under the Progressive umbrella. However, a major accomplishment during this period was the establishment of the NAACP by W.E.B. DuBois and others.

19 The Progressive Era and WWI Americans went off to war in 1917 with a progressive zeal, believing that they would “make the world safe for democracy” and that this might be the last war of all time. Despite the Allied victory in 1918, the brutality of the war and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, damaged the progressive spirit in America and turned public attention away from reform.

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