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Child Labor Learning goal: SWBAT analyze the interactions between and among ideas and events, including how ideas and events influence one another.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Labor Learning goal: SWBAT analyze the interactions between and among ideas and events, including how ideas and events influence one another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Labor Learning goal: SWBAT analyze the interactions between and among ideas and events, including how ideas and events influence one another.

2 Small group work There is a problem that is causing increasing outrage and concern around the world today, and that is child slavery, sometimes called child labor or exploitation. Have you heard about this on the news maybe? Let’s get into groups and share what we know, or think we know, about this issue. One person will be a recorder and jot down your background knowledge.

3 Share Share highlights of your prior knowledge NOTE: What’s the difference between actual slavery and having chores, like making your bed, feeding the pets before school, or working at McDonald’s on the weekend.

4 Quizzes Now let’s look at child labor another way. Two-question quiz from info from the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). For the first question, you can take a minute in your groups to figure out the answer.

5 UNICEF What proportion of the world’s children, aged 5 to 17, are in forced labor? A.1 in 1000 B. 1 in 100 C. 1 in 20 D.1 in 12 E.1 in 6 1.Your group has two minutes to decide on the right answer and be ready to explain your thinking.

6 UNICEF What proportion of the world’s children, aged 5 to 17, are in forced labor? A.1 in 1000 B. 1 in 100 C. 1 in 20 D.1 in 12 E.1 in 6 1.Your group has two minutes to decide on the right answer and be ready to explain your thinking.

7 2 nd question What percentage of children in forced labor are girls? 1.10% 2.35% 3.52% 4.71% 5.90%

8 2 nd question What percentage of children in forced labor are girls? 1.10% 2.35% 3.52% 4.71% 5.90%

9 Reading Images Take a look at the pictures in you packet on page 200. These pictures show images of child labor. As you look at some of these pictures of kids in child labor around the world, talk out loud about what you think you are seeing, what kind of work is being done, what questions you might have. Spend about 30 seconds on each of the images on pages 200 & 201

10 Go deeper with one image INDEPENDENT STUDY - Image 6 – with this image, we are going to dig a little deeper. Get a blank sheet of paper. We need to divide it into quadrants, or four equal sections. So just fold the paper vertically and then fold it again horizontally and unfold. Look at the picture in quarters and write down everything you see in that section. Record it in the corresponding fold.

11 Things to consider What’s in the foreground…and what’s in the background? What details do you see? If you were in this place, what sounds might you hear? What might you sense or smell? If anything in the picture could talk, what would it say? If you were there, what would you do or ask? As you look more deeply into the picture, what do you wonder? What questions are coming to mind?

12 Group work So what do you think? You’ve studeied this picture really hard. What’s going on here? Where are they? What’s the relationship between the girls and the man?

13 Consider our freedoms Three Articles About Charlie Hebdo Possible Response Questions: ● After reading these articles, should the world protect freedom of speech absolutely, or are there aspects that should not be protected? Explain your answer. ● Which part of these articles did you find most convincing? Why? ● Select any passage and respond to it.

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