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Presentation on theme: "AP EUROPEAN HISTORY BRITISH MONARCHY Preview/Review."— Presentation transcript:


2 1485 - 1603 The Tudors

3 HENRY VII Came out of the War of the Roses Won the throne on the battlefield at the Battle of Bosworth field Created the Star Chamber Arranged political marriages for his children

4 HENRY VIII Marries brother’s widow, Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter Marries 6 total times to try to get a male heir Starts Church of England but still very Catholic looking Had 3 Children that rule England

5 EDWARD VI Ruled from age 9 to 16 Tried to make country more Protestant Tried to prevent half sister from taking the throne after him

6 MARY I Catholic daughter of Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII Attempts to move England back to Catholicism Nicknamed Bloody Mary for the executions

7 ELIZABETH I Made the Church of England moderate Protestant War with Spain after interfering with revolt in Sp. Netherlands and executing Mary Queen of Scots Never married –Virgin Queen

8 THE STUARTS 1603 - 1714


10 JAMES I Son of Mary, Queen of Scots King of both Scotland and England Quarreled with Parliament over taxation Exploration and Religion

11 CHARLES I Didn’t call Parliament until he need money for rebellion in Scotland Short Parliament then Long Parliament English Civil War resulted in his beheading

12 OLIVER CROMWELL Sets up a Puritan Republic Turns into a military dictatorship with Cromwell declared Lord Protector Puts down rebellions in Scotland and Ireland

13 CHARLES II Restored to the throne Popular due to the return to hedonism Secret Catholic sympathies Allied with Louis XIV against Dutch Forced to sign Test Act

14 JAMES II Openly Catholic Had an army a few miles outside London Will be overthrown with the Glorious Revolution

15 WILLIAM III AND MARY II Protestant daughter of James II and her cousin William of Orange Signed the English Bill of Rights making a constitutional monarchy

16 ANNE Became first Queen of Britain due to Act of Union Last of the Stuarts 17 pregnancies, but no children

17 1714 – 1901 The Hanovers


19 GEORGE I  King of Hanover and Britain  Spoke hardly any English  His reign led to the 1st Prime Minister, Robert Walpole  Spent most of his time in Hanover

20 GEORGE II Led his country to the War of Austrian Succession on Austria’s side Then switched sides and joined Prussia in the 7 Year’s War William Pitt The Elder became Prime Minister during his later reign

21 GEORGE III PM Lord North taxed the American colonist to help pay war debts Lost American colonies as a result Went “mad” in 1788 and son ruled for him till his death in 1820 Won wars against Napoleon during his reign

22 GEORGE IV Spent extravagantly Secretly married a Catholic and was forced to annul and marry a woman he hated Prime minister was Lord Liverpool Catholic Relief Act allowed catholic MPs

23 WILLIAM IV Reforms included abolition of slavery, poor laws, and child labor restrictions Reform Act of 1832 restructured Parliament 10 illegitimate children with Actress but no legitimate children

24 VICTORIA Height of the British Empire Empress of India as well Africa colonized during her reign The age is named after her Had 9 children with her 1 st cousin Many PMs during her reign, but two main ones were Disraeli and Gladstone Longest Reigning monarch

25 EDWARD VII “Uncle of Europe” since he was related to many European rulers Kind of a playboy and had disapproval from his mother Made peace with France with the Entente Cordial Only Saxe-Coburg monarch

26 1910 -PRESENT Windsors


28 GEORGE V Changed royal name to Windsor due to war with Germany Parliament Act made House of Commons supreme WWI and Indian Nationalism changed the British political scene British Commonwealth was established

29 EDWARD VIII Served in WWI Relationship with parents soured due to playboy lifestyle Abdicated throne to marry Divorcee Lived till 1972

30 GEORGE VI King’s speech protagonist Led country during WWII Chamberlain, Churchill and Atlee were PMs during his reign Saw the dismantling of his Empire and royal power

31 ELIZABETH II Largely ceremonial role Witnessed the Rise of the Welfare state Current Queen of England


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