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Animal Behavior. Behavior An action carried out by muscle or glands in response to a stimulus – Controlled by the nervous system Anything an organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior. Behavior An action carried out by muscle or glands in response to a stimulus – Controlled by the nervous system Anything an organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior

2 Behavior An action carried out by muscle or glands in response to a stimulus – Controlled by the nervous system Anything an organism does and how it does it

3 Behavior Ecology “How” and “Why” Explanations Proximate Causes – How a behavior occurs Stimulus? Physiological response? Influence of growth and development on the response? Ultimate Causes – Why a behavior occurs Impact on survival and reproduction? Evolutionary history?

4 Behavior Requires Communication Communication involves a signal being sent and received – Chemical Signals Pheromones – Pheromone communication in ants – – Symbolic Signals Calls, gestures, etc. Increased in complexity and diversity over time – Honey Bee Waggle Dance –

5 Types of Behavior 1. Innate- under genetic control – Simple Directly linked to a simple stimulus Fixed Action Pattern – Triggered by a sign stimulus – Sequence of unlearned acts that once initiated, carried to completion – Male three-spined stickleback fish response to red bellies – – Complex Fixed set of behaviors in a specific order – Fruit Fly Mating Dance – – Orientation and Movement Kinesis – Change in activity in response to a stimulus – Pill bugs – increase activity in dry areas, decrease activity in humid areas (increase survival by leaving dry area) Taxis – Movement toward (positive taxis) or away from (negative taxis) some stimulus – River fish orient themselves upstream to keep themselves from being swept away by the current

6 Types of Behavior continued 2. Learned- requires experience – 5 types of learning: – 1. Imprinting Young animals have a critical period when behaviors can be learned Imprint on parents and learn basic behaviors of the species – Konrad Lorenz and imprinting – – 2. Spatial Establishment of a memory that reflects the environment’s spatial structure Remembering landmarks – Spatial Education of a mouse – – 3. Associative Connecting one environmental feature with another – Color and bad taste – Skinner and Operant Conditioning Skinner and Operant Conditioning – Trick Mouse Trick Mouse

7 – 4. Cognition Process of knowing represented by awareness, reasoning, recollection, and judgment Problem solving Most complex form of learning – Chimpanzee problem solving – – 5. Social Learning through observation and interaction Children imitating parent behaviors

8 Behavior Evolves Nature vs. Nurture Behavior and genetics – Some genes regulate certain behaviors Examples – Courtship behaviors in fruit flies – Migratory patterns in birds Behavior and the environment – Environmental constraints determine fitness of certain behaviors Examples: – Foraging behaviors – minimum energy, maximum yield – Parental influence – learned behaviors have to be taught Behavior and reproductive success – Sexual Selection – Parental Care Altruism – Any behavior that increases the fitness of others while decreasing one’s own fitness Warning calls when predators appear

9 Animal Behavior as Educational Entertainment What happens when you combine African Animals and Fermentation? Impact on the nervous system? U0 U0

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