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Presented by: Foster High School Guidance Staff September 22, 2015 9 th and 10 th GRADE PARENT NIGHT STEPS TO SUCCESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Foster High School Guidance Staff September 22, 2015 9 th and 10 th GRADE PARENT NIGHT STEPS TO SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Foster High School Guidance Staff September 22, 2015 9 th and 10 th GRADE PARENT NIGHT STEPS TO SUCCESS

2  New teachers and classmates  More extracurricular activities and social events  More independence and more responsibility  Courses that earn credits towards graduation  Greater emphasis on academic achievement  Greater need for time management and organization

3 EOC Endorsement Credits Graduation Plans Exemptions GPA UIL Eligibility College/Career Readiness SAT ACT PSAT Class Rank HB5

4 A SUCCESSFUL 9 th and 10 th Grade Year

5 Counselors A-D Monica McCune E-K Lupe Santana L-Q Sandra Zimmerman R-Z Annaliese May Assistant Principals A-D April McLaurin E-K Brian Forshee L-Q Erin Forbes R-Z Charles Spates Mara Ustynik – College and Career Facilitator Tricia Byers – Registrar Ellen Bynum – Special Needs Counselor

6  Phone Number 832 223-3815  E-mail

7  Foundation  Foundation plus Endorsement (in LCISD same as Distinguished)  Distinguished  Endorsements*  Arts and Humanities (6)  Business and Industry (14)  Public Service (8)  STEM (5)  Multidisciplinary  Counselor’s will be meeting with all 9 th and 10 th graders during the 2 nd six weeks to confirm Endorsement choices and required courses * Endorsement Flow Charts are available under HB5 on LCISD Home Page

8 4 credits of English (English I, II, III & an advanced course) 4.0 4 credits of Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II & an advanced course) 4.0 4 credits of Science (Biology, 2 nd credit –IPC, Chemistry, Physics or Principles of Technology and an Advanced course) 4.0 3 credits of Social Studies (W Geography or AP Human Geography or World History, US History, US Government, Economics) 3.0 2 years of LOTE 2.0 P.E. 1.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Electives* 7.0 26.0 Including credit requirements specific to at least one endorsement Students must pass the End of Course Exam in order to graduate

9 Semester Class:.5 credit Full Year Class: 1 credit Grade Point Average Grade Point Average (GPA)- The weighted average of semester grades for all classes AP 1.3 90 x 1.3 = 117 Pre-AP, Dual, Select Articulated 1.2 90 x 1.2 =108 Academic 1.1 90 x 1.1 = 99 Class Rank Class Rank – Numerical standing in class (9 th graders in 2014-2015) based on GPA

10 PASSING grades earn credits !!! Grade LevelCredits 9 th 0-5 10 th 5.5 -11.5 11 th 12-18.5 12 th 19+

11  Grades  GPA  Class Rank It is YOUR record. Make it a POSITIVE one!


13  Attendance on a regular, daily basis helps to ensure your child’s success in school  Student’s responsibility to make up work missed due to an absence  Parent, physician notes, appointment documentation, court documentation, etc. needed in attendance office immediately after an absence  90% attendance is required to ensure credit is earned for the class

14  Expect your child to have homework every night  BE CONCERNED - no homework, no assignments, no studying for tests  Monitor study time  E-mail teachers  Set up tutoring with teacher  Call if you have questions

15  Odd Calendar dates (Monday – Thursday) English, Math, Fine Arts, CTE  Even Calendar dates (Monday – Thursday) Social Studies, Science, PE, Health  Fridays Foreign Language

16  Monday 8:00 - 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Tutoring Available)  Tuesday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

17 Grade 9 – 2 classes Grade 10 – 3 Classes  No more than three absences in the class  Grade of 80 or above in the class in which they are requesting the exemption  No more than three office referrals  No suspension or ALC assignment  No more than 1 assignment to ISS of 3 days or less  No fines or unpaid fees

18  PSAT (9, 10, and 11) will be given at FHS Oct. 14th  Six Weeks District Assessment (Core Classes)  Administered within the classroom  EOC – English I, English II, Algebra, Biology and US History  Advanced Placement Exams (9-12)  College Entrance Exams (11, 12)  SAT I, SAT II  ACT  College Placement Exam –TSI

19  Being involved is important!  Foster has a wide variety of extra-curricular activities  Every student must determine the right combination of courses and activities  Appropriate choice of course level is key  Start compiling a resume now

20  Freshmen year doesn’t count!  I’m taking this class because my friend is taking it.  I’ll just skip this class – one day won’t make a difference.  I don’t need to write down that assignment…I’ll remember it!  I’m not going to bother turning in an assignment if I miss the first due date!  I don’t have homework therefore I do not have to study.

21  I can’t join that club…I have to study all the time!  Everyone else understood except me, so I’m not asking the teacher to explain.  I don’t want to talk to the teacher about the problems I’m having in her class.  If there is a situation making me uncomfortable, I’ll talk to my friends rather than an adult.  I really don’t need that much sleep!

22  Take challenging courses  Maintain a strong GPA  Take practice tests  Research college admissions standards  Participate in extra-curricular activities  Volunteer (Service Cord) 

23 Students ranking in the top 10%* of their graduating class must be admitted to the Texas public college or university of their choice if they:  Apply no later than two years after graduation from a Texas High school and  Submit a completed application before the expiration of any filing deadline established by the college. *UT is the exception to this rule

24 INDIVIDUAL STUDENT/COUNSELOR SPRING CONFERENCE Review: Grades Credits Test Scores Graduation Plan Endorsement Course Selections

25  Progress reports and report cards are sent home with students  “Family Access” allows parents and students access to “live” grades and attendance  Ask your students about Edmodo-many teachers are posting resources on this site  and go to Family Access

26  Lamar CISD – Foster Website  Information available:  Study Skills  Test Taking Strategies  Career Exploration  Upcoming Events  College and Scholarship information  SAT/ACT information

27 Call the Guidance Office to schedule an appointment. We welcome parent conferences. (832) 223-3815

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