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From institutionalisation to living well with dementia : a BCU vision Dr Arun Kaimal. MBBS ;MRCPsych Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Head of Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "From institutionalisation to living well with dementia : a BCU vision Dr Arun Kaimal. MBBS ;MRCPsych Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Head of Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 From institutionalisation to living well with dementia : a BCU vision Dr Arun Kaimal. MBBS ;MRCPsych Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Head of Programme OPMHS,BCU Hon.Senior.Lecturer, Bangor University

2 Background Dementia presents a huge challenge to society The number of patients with dementia in the UK is estimated to be 821,884 Health care costs are estimated at about £1.2 billion hospital inpatient stay accounts for 44% of the total







9 How the 23 billion cost of dementia is met

10 Dementia UK

11 Annual cost of one patient

12 Costs of dementia in the UK




16 Quality improvement in dementia care Raising awareness Early diagnosis and support Support to live well with dementia Better general hospital care Better inpatient and NH care Carers support

17 Raising awareness people currently wait up to three years before reporting symptoms of dementia to their doctor 70% of carers report being unaware of [being in denial] the symptoms of dementia before diagnosis

18 Raising awareness people over 65 are more worried about developing dementia (39%) than cancer (21%), heart disease (6%) or stroke (12%). only 31% of GPs believe they have received sufficient basic and post- qualification training to diagnose and manage dementia

19 Early diagnosis and support early provision of support at home can decrease institutionalisation by 22% carer support and counselling at diagnosis can reduce care home placement by 28%

20 Support to live well with dementia Home care –reliable, flexible Personalised care plan access to expert patient and carer programmes responsive crisis services flexible and responsive respite care/breaks that can be provided in a variety of settings including the home of the person with dementia assistive technologies such as telecare

21 Dementia in general hospitals older people will occupy 330 /500 beds at any time 220 of them will have a mental disorder 96 patients will have depression 102 dementia 66 delirium 12-20 patients above the age 65 admitted to the medical/surgical wards,may display difficult to manage behaviour at any time

22 Improved care Identify on admission Follow dementia pathway Improved care planning



25 Service development Increasing awareness and training Memory Clinics and Early Intervention General Hospital Care and liaison service Carers Support Person Centred Community and NH Care Modernisation of Inpatient Units

26 Thank You

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