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Definitions and sample sentences

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1 Definitions and sample sentences
Anthem Vocabulary Definitions and sample sentences

2 Abyss/noun Definition: Bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth
Sample sentence: He seemed plunged into a bottomless abyss of grief; his sadness felt like it would never end.

3 Advocacy/noun Definition: Support of an idea or cause Sample sentence:
The nominee’s advocacy of higher taxes may have cost him the election because most people disagree with paying more money to the government.

4 Approbation/noun Definition: Official approval, praise, commendation
Sample sentence: We initiated the attack with the approbation of the general because we are required to have his support.

5 Atone/verb Definition: To make amends for doing something wrong
Sample sentence: He atoned for his theft by repaying his victims because he realized the crime he committed was wrong.

6 Baseness/noun Definition: The quality of lacking higher values
Sample sentence: We were shocked at the child’s baseness; no one could believe that he stole the money from the locker.

7 Defile/verb Definition: To make filthy or dirty Sample sentence:
The gang defiled the school with obscene graffiti, and the janitor had to clean the swear words from the wall.

8 Depravity/noun Definition: Moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act
Sample sentence: The depravity of his behavior shocked everyone because he used to be such a kind person.

9 Discern/verb Definition: To differentiate between two or more things
Sample sentence: He should have enough intelligence to discern a truth from a lie.

10 Ecstasy/noun Definition: Extreme happiness Sample sentence:
The music was so beautiful that it put the crowd into a state of ecstasy; the musician could see the smiles on the faces in the audience.

11 Fluid/adjective Definition: Smooth and effortless Sample sentence:
Most professional golfers have a very fluid swing; it is obvious that they have spent countless hours practicing.

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