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Published byBeverly Long Modified over 8 years ago
Tor Raubenheimer SLAC FY07 Budget Proposal ART FY07 Budget Meeting SLAC May 3 rd, 2006
International Linear Collider – Americas 2 Introduction SLAC has a broad program where we are leading four main elements of the ILC design: –RF Sources –Particle sources –Beam Delivery System –Availability and Operations In addition, there are smaller or supporting efforts in: –Damping ring design –Low emittance transport –Beam instrumentation –Test facility utilization –Conventional facilities and Installation Chris Adolphsen Tom Himel Tor Raubenheimer Tom Himel
International Linear Collider – Americas 3 SLAC Effort on RDR The SLAC group is focused on most aspects of the design –Very broad program bringing experience from SLC and NLC
International Linear Collider – Americas 4 Planning for FY07 Planning done in the context of delivering a TDR in 2009 Major milestones of SLAC program: –Six operating rf sources (modulator, klystron, rf distribution) –Electron source photocathode and laser prototyped; engineering design mostly complete –Positron source (undulator section, target, AMD), and capture structure prototyped; engineering design mostly complete –Beam delivery system (specialty magnets), collimators, diagnostics prototyped; engineering design in progress –Critical beam instrumentation demonstrated –High availability hardware demonstrated –Installation plan developed; tunnel mockup constructed –ATF and ATF2 operating; IR mockup constructed in ESA –One or more full rf units operating with ILC parameters somewhere Hope to develop more integrated schedule in future
International Linear Collider – Americas 5 FY06 & FY07 Budget Request Program has large increase in funding for rf sources –Evaluate and down-select between modulator options –Purchase klystrons for evaluation in FY08 –Start construction of new klystron at SLAC –Develop the rf distribution system Also a large increase in engineering and costing –Largely in support of the positron source and the BDS
International Linear Collider – Americas 6 SLAC ILC Management Management includes myself, office support, financial support, computer support, travel, and fractions of Nan Phinney, Tom Himel, and Tom Markiewicz. –Management is not well separated from design functions or GDE support (never explicitly called out - 9 members) –Budget assumed to grow slightly with group size –Overhead rates better accounted for but increases from FY06
International Linear Collider – Americas 7 Electron Source Polarized electron source is similar to SLC source –120 ~ 150 kV DC gun –GaAs photocathode with ~90% polarization –Ti-Sapphire laser system at ~800nm with 3MHz rep rate R&D needed –Improve polarization from photo-cathodes, –Develop more robust photocathodes, –Develop a stable high rep rate laser system Work is needed for the TDR on system layout, availability, costing etc
International Linear Collider – Americas 8 Photocathode R&D Strained superlattices are yields ~90% polarization Further optimization possible for ILC bunch train Develop GaN as a more robust alternate Strained GaAs GaAsP Strained GaAs GaAsP Strained GaAs GaAsP 30 A 40 A GaAs Substrate GaAs (1-x) P x Graded Layer GaAs 0.64 P 0.36 Buffer Active Region 25 m 1000 A
International Linear Collider – Americas 9 Gun & Laser R&D Laser development recognized as an outstanding issue by ART DOE review and GDE R&D Board –Very different from commercial systems –Timing and amplitude stability very important –Expertise from SLC/E-158 polarized source program Gun R&D focused on working at higher voltages –Higher voltage leads to slightly smaller emittances Simpler beam handling – minor savings in damping rings –R&D program to study different insulators in vacuum system –RF guns would be interesting if more robust photocathodes are developed – R&D program to develop PWT gun at 1.3 GHz Some savings in damping ring wiggler systems
International Linear Collider – Americas 10 Positron Source SLAC is coordinating work on the positron source –Beam line design and optics at SLAC –Undulator design at Daresbury (and LBNL?) –Target design at LLNL –Capture structure design at SLAC –Capture simulations and optics at ANL Positron source is a big system e- source e - DR e - Dump Photon Dump e + DR Auxiliary e - Source Photon Collimators Adiabatic Matching Device e + pre-accelerator ~5GeV 150 GeV100 GeV Helical Undulator In By-Pass Line Photon Target 250 GeV Positron Linac IP Beam Delivery System e- Target Adiabatic Matching Device e - Dump
International Linear Collider – Americas 11 Positron Source R&D is required on: –The target and AMD –The undulator –Capture structures Robust capture structure designed by SLAC NC structure group. Fabrication in FY06; testing in FY07. Target system and AMD being designed at LLNL. Eddy current measurement at SLAC. Undulator pushed the technology limits.
International Linear Collider – Americas 12 Beam Delivery System SLAC is coordinating the BDS development –Optics for 20 mrad FFS developed and studied at SLAC –Optics IP switch, emittance diagnostics, dump lines for 2 and 20 mrad developed at SLAC –Compact FD quadrupoles for 20 mrad X-ing developed at BNL –Background simulations and crab cavity development at FNAL –Possible FD quadrupoles for 2 mrad X-ing developed at LBNL –Plans to develop IR mockup in End Station A (ESA) Additional R&D at ESA and ATF2 test facilities
International Linear Collider – Americas 13 Baseline –Two BDSs, 20/2mrad, 2 detectors, 2 longitudinally separated IR halls Alternative 1 –Two BDSs, 20/2mrad, 2 detectors in single IR hall @ Z=0 Alternative 2 –Single IR/BDS, collider hall long enough for two push-pull detectors Beam Delivery System Optics
International Linear Collider – Americas 14 Design of IR for both small and large crossing angles Pairs induced background similar in both cases Losses in extraction & background harder in 2mrad Large aperture quads need design Pairs induced background in SiD IR Design – 2 mrad
International Linear Collider – Americas 15 20(14)mrad IR –BNL self-shielded compact quads successfully tested –Focus on 14mrad alternative to push the technology ILC crab cavity: –collaboration of Fermilab, UK (Daresbury, et al), SLAC –Based on 3.9GHz deflecting cavity designed at Fermilab –Design is being verified and preparing for fabrication Omega3P Mesh 3.9 GHz deflecting cavity, early 13 & 3 cell models and recent 9cell design Fermilab BNL IR Design – 20(14) mrad
End Station A Test Facility For Prototypes of Beam Delivery and IR Components CCLRCLLNLQMULU. of BristolUMass Amherst CERNLancaster U.SLACUC BerkeleyU. of Oregon DESYManchester U.TU DarmstadtU. of Cambridge KEKNotre DameU. of BirminghamUCL Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) BPM energy spectrometer (T-474) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) IP BPMs, kickers EMI (electro-magnetic interference) IR Mockup PAC05 paper/poster: SLAC-PUB-11180, e-Print Archive: physics/0505171
International Linear Collider – Americas 17 ATF2 FFS Project FFTB demonstrated small spots sizes –Short runs with weeks of preparation and tuning –Demonstration of ~65nm ATF2 has two main goals: A)Small beam size(with Shintake BSM at IP) (A1) Obtain y ~ 35nm (A2) Maintain for long time B) Stabilization of beam center(with IP-BPM) (B1) Down to < 2nm by nano-BPM (B2) Bunch-to-bunch feedback of ILC-like train Project proposed by SLAC group –Very strong continued participation –Contribution of ~1/3 of necessary hardware (model for ILC) –Uses some fraction of US-Japan funds
International Linear Collider – Americas 18 ATF-2 at KEK SLAC contributions –Optics design –Magnet movers –Magnets –Magnet power supplies –BPM systems New final focus ILC like optics at ATF-2
International Linear Collider – Americas 19 Power Supplies for ATF2 HA design to be demonstrated at ATF2 using n/M configuration –40 supplies to be sent in FY07 and FY08
International Linear Collider – Americas 20 Components for ATF2 FFTB movers to be dismantled in April and will be refurbished for ATF2 Photo shows FFTB “QC3” in SLAC FFTB beamline which is one of the candidates for Final Doublet quad Mover
International Linear Collider – Americas 21 Damping Ring R&D SLAC group working with DR Area group –Optics design and optimization of nonlinearities –Development of impedance of impedance models and calculation of ‘classical’ collective effects –Simulation of fast-beam ion instability OK for single e- damping ring with LowQ parameters and 650 MHz –Simulation of electron cloud instability R&D on SEY minimization and fast kicker systems Lead ATF external participation (covered by Tom Himel) –ATF and fast kicker work covered by Tom Himel
International Linear Collider – Americas 22 Electron Cloud Studies Extensive simulations calculating instability and SEY thresholds to provide guidance for R&D –Benchmarking against KEKB, DAPHNE, and PEP-II –Comparing low SEY chambers, clearing electrodes, chamber gap
International Linear Collider – Americas 23 Low SEY Chamber R&D Three approaches: –Load-lock in PEP-II chamber with sample to transfer to lab Fabricated in FY06 –Grooved chamber to demonstrate SEY suppression in PEP-II –Clearing electrode to demonstrate SEY suppression in PEP-II SEY tests chamber Fin chambers
International Linear Collider – Americas 24 Low Emittance Transport Simulation of beam transport and wakefield calculation has been a strength of the SLAC group since the SLC –Blurring of LET work with RTML design (RTML not nec. SLAC) –3-D modeling of cavities and cryomodules in freq. and time domain –Beam tuning simulations from DR IP dumps Setting specs on RTML, linac, and BDS components and instr. Generating luminosity and IP distributions for experimentalists Need to add to computing cluster 300+ processors Outstanding R&D question for the linac alignment: –Stability of the SC quadrupole magnetic center and the BPM
International Linear Collider – Americas 25 Wakefield Calculations Studying TDR, Jlab and KEK Low-Loss cavity shapes
International Linear Collider – Americas 26 Linac Quadrupole Cos(2 ) SC Quad (~ 0.7 m long) S-Band BPM Design (36 mm ID, 126 mm OD) Field Map Al Cylinder Iron Yoke Block SC Coils He Vessel
International Linear Collider – Americas 27 Linac Quadrupole Package
International Linear Collider – Americas 28 Linac BPM Testing Installation in ESA
International Linear Collider – Americas 29 Summary SLAC program is well aligned with global R&D program and development for the TDR –Most R&D topics are strongly supported by DOE review of the ART and the ILC GDE R&D board –Funding request almost doubles to 28M$ in FY07 Need to start modulator and klystron procurement to down- select by the end of FY07 and FY08 respectively Source development well aligned with Fermilab test facility needs –Number of FTEs increases by 50% Most people identified by name New groups joining (for example klystron department) Need to supplement group by ~10 engineers and designers –People will be available from GLAST, PEP-II, and LCLS Other topics covered by Chris Adolphsen and Tom Himel
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