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Jeopardy Federalism In General Legislative Branch Elections and Voting Federalism and VA Government Who is this Person? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Federalism In General Legislative Branch Elections and Voting Federalism and VA Government Who is this Person? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Federalism In General Legislative Branch Elections and Voting Federalism and VA Government Who is this Person? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Federalism in General What is the name of the crime when a criminal flees from one state to another?

4 $100 Answer from Federalism in General Interstate Flight (33)

5 $200 Question from Federalism in General What’s a referendum?

6 $200 Answer from Federalism in General A bill/piece of public policy that needs to be approved by the voters before going into effect (38)

7 $300 Question from Federalism in General What is the name of the government power in which the state has the right to take over land for the use of the public and government?

8 $300 Answer from Federalism in General Eminent Domain (25)

9 $400 Question from Federalism in General What is it called when a criminal is transported from one state to another to face criminal charges?

10 $400 Answer from Federalism in General Extradition (32)

11 $500 Question from Federalism in General Which case settled the argument about state law going against national law?

12 $500 Answer from Federalism in General McCulloch vs. Maryland (it said that national law wins) (28) (by the way, the Constitution also beats state law)

13 $100 Question from the Legislative Branch How many House members does Virginia have?

14 $100 Answer from the Legislative Branch 11! (91)

15 $200 Question from the Legislative Branch What #district are we in the House?

16 $200 Answer from the Legislative Branch The 10 th District! (95)

17 $300 Question from the Legislative Branch What type of committee meets every year no matter what?

18 $300 Answer from the Legislative Branch A standing committee (whose leader is picked by the head of the majority party) (110)

19 $400 Question from the Legislative Branch What does the appropriations committee do?

20 $400 Answer from the Legislative Branch Determine how much money government Programs should get (113)

21 $500 Question from the Legislative Branch How many members are in the House?

22 $500 Answer from the Legislative Branch 435 (there are 100 Senators) (102)

23 $100 Question from Elections and Voting How many electoral votes do you need to win the presidency?

24 $100 Answer from Elections and Voting 270! (78)

25 $200 Question from Elections and Voting What are the 2 types of primaries?

26 $200 Answer from Elections and Voting Open (which allow everyone to vote) And Closed (which only allows those of a specific party to vote) (60)

27 $300 Question from Elections and Voting What do we mean by your “permanent address?”

28 $300 Answer from Elections and Voting Where you pay your taxes! (which determines where you vote) (7)

29 $400 Question from Elections and Voting How is the number of electors for the electoral college (and primaries) determined for each state?

30 $400 Answer from Elections and Voting When you add up the number of the state’s House and Senate members together (75, 63)

31 $500 Question from Elections and Voting What is called when you group certain groups of people together to help cancel out their vote overall?

32 $500 Answer from Elections and Voting Gerrymandering (14)

33 $100 Question from Federalism and VA Government When do most laws go into effect in the state of VA?

34 $100 Answer from Federalism and VA Government July! (53)

35 $200 Question from Federalism and VA Government What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

36 $200 Answer from Federalism and VA Government A misdemeanor is a crime that if you are guilty you have to pay a fine and spend up to a year in jail (a felony is when you have to spend more than a year in jail) (45)

37 $300 Question from Federalism and VA Government What is a line item veto?

38 $300 Answer from Federalism and VA Government When one has the power to only veto (vote down) part of a bill (potential law) (43)

39 $400 Question from Federalism and VA Government What are the 2 parts of the General Assembly (the legislative branch of VA)?

40 $400 Answer from Federalism and VA Government House of Delegates and The Virginia Senate (50)

41 $500 Question from Federalism and VA Government Who is this governor? (He’s the head of the executive branch of VA)

42 $500 Answer from Federalism and VA Government Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) (46, 52)

43 $100 Question from Who is this Person? Who is this man? (He’s your Congressman)

44 $100 Answer from Who is this Person? Congressman Frank Wolf ® (86)

45 $200 Question from Who is this Person? Who is this man who has the power to recognize speakers and settle ties in the Senate?

46 $200 Answer from Who is this Person? Vice President/President of the Senate Joe Biden (D) (104, 107)

47 $300 Question from Who is this Person? Who is this man? (He’s one of your Senators)

48 $300 Answer from Who is this Person? Senator Mark Warner (D) (86)

49 $400 Question from Who is this Person? Who is this man? (he’s the Speaker of the House)

50 $400 Answer from Who is this Person? Cong. John Boehner (R) (104)

51 $500 Question from Who is this Person? Who is this man (He’s the Senate Majority Leader)?

52 $500 Answer from Who is this Person? Sen. Harry Reid (D) (104)

53 Final Jeopardy Question PAC’s give lots of money to candidate and their Parties – what is a PAC?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Political Action Committee (72)

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