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CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin.

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Presentation on theme: "CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CivicsCivics Daily Lessons

2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent- Oct. 2 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Ch. 5.2 Notes due Oct. 3 –Chapter 5 Section 2 Assessment on Page 142. Answer 1 - 3. Vocabulary- put in FlashboardVocabulary- put in Flashboard Reviewing Ideas and Terms-Reviewing Ideas and Terms- You may type your answers for questions 1+2 in the textbook and show the teacher on day it is due. Critical Thinking-Critical Thinking- Copy the chart into your notebook and complete it by hand. Ch. 5.3 Notes due Oct. 4 –Chapter 5 Section 1 Assessment on Page 146. Answer 1 - 3. Vocabulary- put in FlashboardVocabulary- put in Flashboard Reviewing Ideas and Terms-Reviewing Ideas and Terms- You may type your answers for questions 1+2 in the textbook and show the teacher on day it is due. Critical Thinking-Critical Thinking- Copy the chart into your notebook and complete it by hand. Ch. 5.4 Notes due Oct. 5 –Chapter 5 Section 1 Assessment on Page 152. Answer 1 - 4 Vocabulary- put in FlashboardVocabulary- put in Flashboard Reviewing Ideas and Terms-Reviewing Ideas and Terms- You may type your answers for questions 1-3 in the textbook and show the teacher on day it is due. Critical Thinking-Critical Thinking- Copy the chart into your notebook and complete it by hand. Ch. 5 Test- Oct. 9 In Class Work: Ch. 5.1 Notes due –Stimulating Activity- Voc. and Congressional leadership. –Timed Reading Worksheet –Go over 5.1 homework and Coop back of homework –In Class Reading and discussion notes from homework sheet- Chapter 5.2 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink. –Organization of Congress –Current Congressional Leadership –Section Questions –On Line Quiz- section 2 on the overhead if time. Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam -______ Signature:____________

3 Day #30 Homework due today-Homework due today- –Ch. 5.2 Notes due Activities-Activities- –Stimulating Activity- Voc. and Congressional leadership. –Reading Quiz –Go over 5.1 homework and Coop back of homework –In Class Reading and discussion notes from homework sheet- Chapter 5.2 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink. –Organization of Congress –Current Congressional Leadership –Section Questions –On Line Quiz- section 2 on the overhead if time. Ch. 5

4 Homework- 30 points 1.Vocabulary- Must be put on Flashboard. You are responsible for all sections vocabulary for each chapter from now on. we will have you write the term in class at the beginning of class. You must write a definition on your own as homework 2.Answer the questions at the end of the section reading- Reviewing Ideas and Terms. Answers must be written out in your notebook. Any other method must be approved by Mrs. Colvin 3.You must Copy the Critical Thinking chart into your notebook and fill it out. 4.There will be a timed reading worksheet the day all homework is due. You may use your homework for the worksheet, but not the book. 5.Old worksheets on line will be used in class as review of the daily assignment.

5 Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner U.S. House of Representatives Leadership - 2011 Republican Leadership Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor Represents Republicans on the House floor. Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy Assists leadership in managing party's legislative program Democratic Leadership Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi Represents Democrats on the House floor. Democratic Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer Assists leadership in managing party's legislative program.

6 President of the Senate Joseph R. Biden, Jr. U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President Pro Tempore Daniel K. Inouye Democrat, Hawaii Daniel K. Inouye Majority Leader Harry Reid Democrat, Nevada Harry Reid Assistant Majority Leader (Democratic Whip) Richard Durbin Democrat, Illinois Richard Durbin Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Republican, Kentucky Mitch McConnell Assistant Minority Leader (Republican Whip) Jon Kyl Republican Jon Kyl U.S. Senate Leadership- 2011

7 CIVICS FLASHBOARD Front-Load the Terms Chapter 5

8 Caucuses

9 President pro tempore The Constitution provides for a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. Except for the years from 1886 to 1947, the president pro tempore has been included in the presidential line of succession. Presidential Succession Act of 1792: the president pro tempore is next in line after the vice president, and followed by the speaker of the House of Representatives. Live stream of U. S. Capitol

10 Whip

11 Speaker of the House

12 Chapter 5 Section 2 Flashboard Terms sessions caucuses President pro tempore whip Speaker of the House

13 Reading Quiz Sect. 1

14 Reading Quiz Sect. 1

15 Homework5.1

16 Homework5.1

17 Coop5.1

18 Coop5.1

19 Pages 140-142 In Class Reading- Chapter 5.2 We will use the audio from the book for this chapter.


21 Terms and Sessions 1.Recall 1.Recall: When do regular sessions of Congress begin? 2.Draw Conclusions: 2.Draw Conclusions: Why do you think the Constitution requires Congress to meet at least once a year? What are the terms and sessions of Congress? 5.2

22 Organization of Congress 1.Explain 1.Explain: What is the purpose of Party Caucuses? 2.Contrast: 2.Contrast: Who has more power: the Speaker of the House or the party whip? Explain. How is Congress organized? 5.2

23 On Line Quiz- Ch. 5.2 Ch. 5.2 On line Quiz

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