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Section 1 The Comma (Part I) OST164 Text Editing Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1 The Comma (Part I) OST164 Text Editing Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1 The Comma (Part I) OST164 Text Editing Applications

2 The Comma The comma has two primary functions: –Its sets off nonessential expressions that interrupt the flow of thought form subject to verb to object or complement. –It separates elements within a sentence to clarify their relationship to one another. Two commas are typically needed to set off, but only a single comma is needed to separate.

3 Use commas to set off nonessential expressions – words, phrases, and clauses that are not necessary for the meaning/structural completeness of the sentence. Nonessential: Let’s get the advice of Harry Stern, who has in-depth experience with all computers. Essential: Let’s get the advice of someone who has in- depth experience with computers. Nonessential: There is, not doubt, a reasonable explanation for his behavior at the board meeting. Essential: There is not doubt about her honest. The Comma - ¶122

4 The Comma – ¶122 (a) Interrupting Elements - Use commas to set off words, phrases, and clauses when they break the flow of a sentence from subject to verb to object. We can deliver the car on the day of your husband’s birthday or, if you wish, on the Saturday before then. They have sufficient assets, don’t they, to cover those losses? Mary Cabrera, rather than George Spengler, has been appointed head of the New Albany office.

5 The Comma – ¶122 (b) Afterthoughts - Use commas to set off words phrases, or clauses loosely added onto the end of a sentence. Send us your check as soon as you can, please. Grant promised to share expenses with us, if I remember correctly. It is not too late to place an order, is it?

6 The Comma – ¶122 (c) Use commas to set off: Transitional expressions (however, therefore, on the other hand) when they interrupt the flow of the sentence. Independent comments (obviously, in my opinion, of course ) when they interrupt the flow of the sentence. Do not set these elements off when they are used to emphasize the meaning – voice goes up.

7 The Comma – ¶122 (c) It is, of course, your prerogative to change your mind. (voice drops) It is of course your prerogative to change your mind (voice rises) We are determined, nevertheless, to finish on schedule. (voice drops) We are nevertheless determined to finish on schedule. (voice rises)

8 The Comma – ¶122 (d) When descriptive expressions follow the words they refer to and provide additional but nonessential information, use commas to set them off. His most recent article, “How to Make a Profit, ” appeared in the June 1 issue of Forbes magazine. The article “How to Make a Profit” appeared in the June 1 issue of Forbes magazine. Thank you for your letter of April 12, in which you questioned our discount terms. Thank you for your letter in which you questioned our discount terms.

9 The Comma – ¶122 (e) and (f) Dates Use commas to set off the year in complete dates when it follows the month and date. He finished his painting last Saturday, August 27, 2005, after lunch. They decided to move on August 1, 2006, to their new home. Omit commas when only the month and year are given. I will visit with my new grandbaby in August 2005 for two weeks.

10 The Comma – ¶122 (f) Use commas to set off abbreviations that follow a person’s name Julie Merkin, Ph.D., announces…… Use commas to set off names of states or countries following city names The meeting will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, on the last day of the month. Do not use commas in personal and company names to set off Jr.-Sr.-III- Inc.-Ltd. Guy Tracy Jr. is his real name. I worked for Redd Inc. for one year.

11 The Comma –¶123 (a) Use a single comma to separate the two main clauses in a compound sentence when they are joined by the conjunction and, but, or, or not. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but some people think it upgrades despair beautifully. The Spanish word esposos means “husbands,” and the Spanish word esposas means “wives.”

12 The Comma – ¶ 123 (b) Use a single comma to separate three or more items in a series – unless all the items are joined by and or or. It takes time, effort, and a good deal of money. Study the rules for the use of the comma, the semicolon, and the colon. The show will appeal to men, women, and children.

13 The Comma – ¶123 (c) Use a single comma to separate two or more adjectives that modify the same noun. We need to start working on an exciting, hard-hitting ad campaign. Have you noticed that Jean has become a generous, outgoing person. We need an intelligent, enterprising person for the job. NOTE: Can you put an “and” where the comma is? If yes, put a comma.

14 The Comma – ¶123 (d) To separate the digits of numbers into groups of thousands. The comma is now commonly omitted in four-digit whole numbers except in columns with larger numbers that require commas. Sales projections for the Southern Region next year range between $8000 and $9000. Sales projections for the Southern Region next year range between $80,000 and $90,000.

15 The Comma – ¶124 Yes, we can. Well, that depends. Taking all the arguments into consideration, we have decided to modernize these facilities rather than close them down. To determine the proper mix of ingredients for a particular situation, see the table on page 4. Before we can make a final decision, we will need to run another cost-profit analysis. Use a single comma after introductory elements – items that begin a sentence and come before the subject and verb of the main clause.

16 The Comma – ¶124 (a) and (b) Use a comma after an introductory request or command. Look, we have been through tougher situations before You see, the previous campaigns never did pan out. Please remember, all expense reports must be on my desk by Friday. Item (b) states that commas aren’t needed after ordinary introductory adverbs or short introductory phrases. Put the comma! In the morning, things may look better. In the first place, they don’t have sufficient capital.

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