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The Literature Behind England’s Industrial Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "The Literature Behind England’s Industrial Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Literature Behind England’s Industrial Revolution
Featuring: Hard Times by Charles Dickens and selections by poets from the Romantic period

2 Unit Summary New advancements in technology brought forth new ideas regarding human nature as expressed through the arts. This unit will attempt to demonstrate how a movement in literature reflects and comments on a particular era. Students will analyze universal themes within selections of Romantic Poetry and Dickens’ novel, Hard Times, to develop critical thinking skills. In the final project, students will be asked to observe the world around them, and illustrate how technology has affected their modern world.

3 Objectives Students will make connections between the text and their lives. Students will develop critical thinking skills by deeply analyzing the text. Students will analyze the importance of symbolic images in literature, and how they relate to a theme. Students will demonstrate their ability to work effectively in groups by compiling theme strands and creating theme statements for each. Students will develop an argument using symbolic images to support a theme statement. Students will collaborate in a group without direct oversight to demonstrate a working knowledge of technology through Powerpoint, web browsing, and digital photography. Students will understand the impact of the Industrial Revolution. Students will be exposed to the ideas behind the Romantic Movement.

4 Essential Question: How can technology lead a revolution?

5 Unit Questions: How did the Industrial Revolution affect England?
What was the idea behind the Romantic movement?

6 Content Questions: Why do the workers want to unionize in Hard Times?
Who are “the hands” in Dickens’ novel, Hard Times?

7 Assessments Encouraging Self-Direction and Collaboration
Gauging students’ needs K-W-L Chart: Students will fill out a chart with information about the Industrial Revolution. The “Know” section will be done independently. The “Wonder” section will be done in small groups to promote discussion and brainstorming. Both the “Wonder” and “Learn” sections will be filled out as the unit progresses. The teacher will collect this chart to observe what the students already know. This chart will be returned to the student for use throughout the unit. Encouraging Self-Direction and Collaboration Discussion: At various times throughout the unit, there will be a discussion with the class to monitor progress. This is an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions regarding the project.  Monitoring Progress Conferences: The teacher will meet with each group in order to observe the progress. Students will have the option of meeting privately with the teacher to discuss any issues affecting the group.  Checking for Understanding and Encouraging Metacognition Theme Essay: A two-page paper will be required consisting of a developed argument from a selection of prompts, or from a student’s own ideas.  Demonstrating Understanding and Skill Project Presentation: Students will demonstrate their ability to work together by creating a multimedia presentation reflecting on the Question: “How can technology lead a revolution?” K-W-L Chart

8 Project Description Students will work together in small groups to observe how technology has Improved the quality of living, or has replaced humans altogether. Take a side- for technological advances or against them. Using a digital camera, capture twelve images that represent your side. Create a PowerPoint Presentation that comments on how technology has affected our world. Include captions explaining your images. Be creative, be artistic!

9 Why Projects? Projects:
Engage students with a different approach to the subject Enhance their experience of literature Help develop critical thinking skills Teach students to collaborate Projects: Project-based learning is neither a diversion, nor will it neglect our high standards of teaching. Projects are an alternative to the more formal style of education (lectures, memorizing facts, comprehensive exams). The carefully planned projects will ensure the coverage of the California state standards Includes ongoing assessments to gage a student’s progress.

10 English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools
3.0 Literary Response and Analysis 3.2 Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim. 3.7 Analyze recognized works of world literature from a variety of authors: b. Relate literary works and authors to the major themes and issues of their eras. 1.0 Writing Strategies 1.3 Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained, persuasive, and sophisticated way and support them with precise and relevant examples. 1.6 Develop presentations by using clear research questions and creative and critical research strategies (e.g., field studies, oral histories, interviews, experiments, electronic sources).

11 Image Sources: Presentation by Eric Zamora

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