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Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSMO strategy for Verification Adriano Raspanti COSMO WG5 Coordinator – “Verification and Case studies” Head of.

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1 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSMO strategy for Verification Adriano Raspanti COSMO WG5 Coordinator – “Verification and Case studies” Head of Verification Section at Italian Met Service ( with contributions by WG4 (Interpretation-PP) and WG5 people

2 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 MAIN PLANS (or projects) Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models (project by Pierre Eckert) Conditional Verification-VerSUS project COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index) COSMO strategy for Verification

3 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Background The increase in resolution of the models will lead to a “proliferation” of grid points and also to an increase of noise in the forecasts. The effects of the so-called “double penalty” also will increase for events not predicted exactly at the right place at the right time. Ways to extract the most valuable information out of high density fields have to be found. The connection with various fuzzy verification methods will be explored in this project.

4 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models MAIN Goal of the project Data with a very high spatial (and temporal) variability like precipitation have to be treated with special care in order to avoid the double penalty syndrome. Following methods have been identified in a first stage: Fuzzy verification, Contiguous Rain Area (CRA), Neighborhood methods, Fraction skill score, Intensity scale technique and similar When the aggregation region is small, the scores are usually poor, but with an increasing averaging area the scores become very good reliable scale The goal is to find the smallest area in which the benefit of running a very high resolution model is present. This will be called the reliable scale. Not only the verification will be carried out at this “optimal” scale, but the products for forecasters and customers should also be designed at this scale (or scales).

5 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Other aspects of the project 1.Application of “boosting” method for the detection of “special" weather parameters This method finds optimal choices for predictors which are proposed by the meteorologists. Good results with weather parameters not directly included in the model like fog or visibility are expected. 2.Use of very high resolution precipitation as input of the hydrological models. Studies and verification on the impact of this coupling

6 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Which rain forecast would you rather use? Mesoscale model (5 km) 21 Mar 2004 Sydney Global model (100 km) 21 Mar 2004 Sydney Observed 24h rain RMS=13.0 RMS=4.6 Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Some early results Picture From B. Ebert

7 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 A Fuzzy Verification Toolbox Fuzzy methodDecision model for useful forecast Upscaling (Zepeda-Arce et al. 2000; Weygandt et al. 2004) Resembles obs when averaged to coarser scales Anywhere in window (Damrath 2004), 50% coveragePredicts event over minimum fraction of region Fuzzy logic (Damrath 2004), Joint probability (Ebert 2002) More correct than incorrect Multi-event contingency table (Atger 2001)Predicts at least one event close to observed event Intensity-scale (Casati et al. 2004)Lower error than random arrangement of obs Fractions skill score (Roberts and Lean 2005)Similar frequency of forecast and observed events Practically perfect hindcast (Brooks et al. 1998) Resembles forecast based on perfect knowledge of observations Pragmatic (Theis et al. 2005)Can distinguish events and non-events CSRR (Germann and Zawadzki 2004)High probability of matching observed value Area-related RMSE (Rezacova et al. 2005)Similar intensity distribution as observed Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Some early results

8 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 PerturbationType of forecast errorAlgorithm PERFECTNo error – perfect forecast!- XSHIFTHorizontal translation Horizontal translation (10 grid points) BROWNIANNo small scale skill Random exchange of neighboring points (Brownian motion) LS_NOISEWrong large scale forcing Multiplication with a disturbance factor generated by large scale 2d Gaussian kernels. SMOOTH High horizontal diffusion (or coarse scale model) Moving window arithmetic average DRIZZLE Overestimation of low intensity precipitation Moving Window filter setting each point below average point to the mean value Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Some early results

9 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Effect of „Leaking“ Scores observation forecast Problem: Some methods assume no skill at scales below window size! p obs =0.5 p forecast =0.5 Assuming random ordering within window yesno yes0.25 no0.25 An example: Joint probability method Forecast OBS Not perfect! Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Some early results

10 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Summary Up- scaling Any- where in Window 50% cover- age Fuzzy Logic Joint Prob. Multi event cont. tab. Intensity Scale Fraction Skill Score Prag- matic Appr. Practic. Perf. Hindcast CSSR Area related RMSE Leaking Scores XSHIFT BROWNIANSMOOTH LS_NOISEDRIZZLE „Sensitivity Score“ STD good Leaking scores show an overall poor performance “Intensity scale” and “Practically Perfect Hindcast” perform in general well, but … Many score have problem to detect large scale noise (LS_NOISE); “Upscaling” and “50% coverage” are beneficial in this respect Leaking scores show an overall poor performance “Intensity scale” and “Practically Perfect Hindcast” perform in general well, but … Many score have problem to detect large scale noise (LS_NOISE); “Upscaling” and “50% coverage” are beneficial in this respect Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Some early results

11 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 CV Project - VerSUS - Verification System Unified Survey MAIN Goal of the Versus project Development of a common and unified verification “package” including a Conditional Verification tool.METHOD The typical approach to CV could consist of the selection of one or several forecast products and one or several mask variables or conditions, which would be used to define thresholds for the product verification (e.g. verification of T2M only for grid points with zero cloud cover in model and observations). After the selection of the desired conditions, a classical verification tool for statistical indexes can be used. The more flexible way to perform a selection of forecasts and observations is to use an “ad hoc database”, planned and designed for this purpose, where the mask or filter could be simply or complex SQL statements.

12 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 CV Project - VerSUS - Verification System Unified Survey Main DB Modules  RDBMS features : OBS e FCS data Data configuration to perform verification Verification results, Scorse and images  “ daemon” process (Loader) to load data from different sources (e.g. MARS, districo DB, File system): BUFR format for obs and GRIB format for fcs  processes performing verifications through specific requests (Integration with “R” statistic package) and storing of resulting data  WEB GUI (server-client architecture)

13 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 OBS data Configuration data for verification Verification results (Scores and images) Verification R Web GUI FCS data Loader MARSDistrico DB User management Versus-DB VerSUS - Architectural Design

14 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Station ForecastUser/FE Observation Index

15 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 CV Project - VerSUS - Verification System Unified Survey VERSUS DB has the following main areas: Users managing area Front-End area for Front-End setting up. Two main FE: the loader FE for data ingestion, and scores FE for the execution of verification indexes by means of “R” package library. Meteorological data area, for handling of observations (surface and upper air) and forecasts data and their lookup tables. Score criteria area that manages the definition of scores and their applications. Output area that stores the scores and graphical output.

16 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 CV Project - VerSUS - Verification System Unified Survey Main lookup tables: Station: the list of punctual meteorological station that provides surface or upper air observation data to VERSUS system. The attributes are name, nationality, latitude, longitude, height, the WMO and/or ICAO code (if they exist) of the station. Moreover there is an unique identifier of the station that VERSUS DB automatically assigns when a new station is defined by means of Graphic User Interface (GUI) Obs_type: the list of observation types (templates) such as synop, temp, any other observation data coded in BUFR format. That table is modified by means of a GUI Obs_parameter: the list of BUFR parameter codes, the meaning and input measurement. This table is automatically updated whenever a new occurrence of BUFR parameter code comes to the system. Model: the list of meteorological models verified VERSUS Grid: the list of grids that are defined in the section 3 of the grib. Fcs_parameter: data defined in the section 1 of the grib. The lookup tables are managed by GUI or loader FE of the system, automatically, whenever a new instance of them occurs.

17 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 CV Project - VerSUS - Verification System Unified Survey The selection criteria of the forecast and observation data is setting up by means of a GUI. The information that must be define are: Stratification (lat/lon, WMO name, morphological,….) The list of R-verification indexes to apply The observed parameter and its condition/filter, if any The forecast parameter (model, grid, parameter) and its condition/filter, if any The method of getting forecast data, such as nearest point, mean on a given radius,… The start date and end date of the data or the frequency (monthly, weekly, seasonal) Steps Pressure Levels (for upper air)

18 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Continuous parameters: Reduction of variance RV = 1 – (RMSE prog / RMSE ref) 2 where ref = persistence Categorical parameters: ETS ETS = (R – „chance“) / (T –“chance“) R= number of obs events correctly forecast T = number of events which were either observed or forecasted  global score S like COSMO-index COSI = S/S 0 x100 Where S 0 is the value of S the first year of computation COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index)

19 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Parameters total cloud amount [threshold: 0-2, 3-6, 7-8 temperature [t2m, later: tmin, tmax] 10m- windvector precipitation [thresholds: 0.2, 2, 10 mm/6h] COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index)

20 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Verification frequency All 3h −T2m, 10m-wind and cloudiness: @ 00, 03,…, 18, 21 UTC later on: tmin & tmx over 12h 6h-sums: precipitation COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index)

21 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 Which models ? Aggregation ? Start with COSMO-7 But programming also for COSMO-2 Temperature and windspeed: 1 gridpoint Precipitation: mean in a radius of 15km Cloudiness: mean in a radius of 30 km COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index)

22 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index) List of stations: starting point: EWGLAM station list for verification selection based on availability of cloudiness each 3h per day plus „some more“ representative stations for COSMO-countries THE_Score will be computed for each COSMO-country and different regions (W/N/E/S-Europe, Alps, smallest common region of all COSMO-xx, …)

23 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSMO strategy for Verification Conclusions Advanced interpretation and verification of very high resolution models Search for the “optimal scale” for verification and for representation of precipitation fields Fuzzy Verification score are a promising framework for verification of high resolution precipitation forecasts. Not all scores indicate a perfect forecast by perfect scores (Leaking scores). Choice of the scores: Upscaling, Intensity scale, Fraction skill score (?) End of the project expected for 2008

24 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSMO strategy for Verification Conclusions VerSUS project One tool for Verification and Conditional Verification DB powerful No “ad hoc” application to create verifications: only simple selections R-Integration (to add statistical Indexes only the “Verification Package” can be updated) – Community Knowledge User configurable using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) GUI WEB-based End of the project expected for 2008 (delivery of the package)

25 Dubrovnik - EWGLAM/SRNWP 8-11/10/ 2007 COSMO strategy for Verification Conclusions COSI “The global Score” (COSMO Index) Next future implementation Included in Common Verification Suite package (common fortran package for standard verifications, delivered in 2006 for COSMO community) Will be included in VERSUS package First results hopefully for COSMO GM of 2008

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