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Welcome to McClure Middle School 6 th Grade 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to McClure Middle School 6 th Grade 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to McClure Middle School 6 th Grade 2014-2015

2 The Top 14 Things you need to know to help you survive the first few weeks of McClure Middle School...

3 14. Take the bus TO and FROM school on Monday. (Write down your bus # and lane #.)

4 13. Bring some paper and writing utensils on Monday.

5 12. DO NOT bring your supplies to school until teachers request items or when your locker has been assigned.

6 11. Rolling book bags do not fit in the lockers and cannot be taken from class to class.

7 10. Teachers will announce when lockers will be given out so you know when to bring supplies. To get a locker, all required forms must be submitted.

8 9. Electronic Devices are not permitted until BYOD requirements are met and a BYOD pass is received.

9 8. Students MUST write in their agenda during each class every day. Agendas are to be treated like a textbook.

10 7. Parents should check the agenda and/or blogs each night.

11 6. Make sure to either bring your lunch or lunch money with you on the first day. Student lunches cost $2.30.

12 5. Attendance is important. Please do not plan “vacations” during scheduled school days!

13 4. Teacher blogs are updated daily. Parents and students should check them for useful information.

14 3. The best way to communicate with a teacher is to send an e-mail.

15 2. The school dress code is enforced. Please dress accordingly.

16 1. Have a positive attitude! We’re glad you’re here!

17 We can’t wait to get another great year started!!!!

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