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Amy Rothenberg ND JAHC 2010 Alexandria, Virginia.

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1 Amy Rothenberg ND JAHC 2010 Alexandria, Virginia

2 © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy2  Share my experience over the past 24 years of practice  Offer practical tools to help you in the treatment & care of patients over time  Demonstrate an approach and material that has been effective in my own practice & for those I teach

3 © 2009 New England School of Homeopathy3  Use case examples as illustration  Inspire you to want to learn more & use homeopathy and other natural medicines and home remedies effectively for those in your life & in your care

4  Informs all aspects of homeopathic study and understanding:  From how we take a case  To how we analyze patient information  To how we repertorize  To how we use the repertory  To how we study materia medica  And how we conduct long term follow up care 4 © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy

5  A Segment is a group of symptoms that represent the same underlying idea  A Cycle reflects how Segments relate to one another 5 © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy

6  No symptoms happen in a vacuum, they are all related  All symptoms are context dependent © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy6

7  For each symptom that you learn about, think: *What is that symptom an example of ? *Are there other examples of it in the person’s story? *Get concrete examples of each symptom, do not take anything at face value 7 © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy

8  When you correctly understand a Segment, you can start to predict what sorts of symptoms a patient might have  We will see the same patterns come through the review of systems and the physical general symptoms 8 © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy

9  Pros of pattern recognition  Cons of pattern recognition © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy9

10  Assessing impact of remedy  Knowing when to ◦ Wait ◦ Change potency ◦ Look for new remedy ◦ Add other modalities © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy10

11  See case examples © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy11

12    © 2010 New England School of Homeopathy12

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