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Welcome to the 2012 Annual Conference Open Sourcing the Disaster Safety Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2012 Annual Conference Open Sourcing the Disaster Safety Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2012 Annual Conference Open Sourcing the Disaster Safety Movement

2 StormStruck App FLASH Initiatives

3 National Hurricane Conference 2012

4 NEWS Highlights January - August 6.8 billion audience reach *Total number of times people interact with FLASH messages TAPELESSBrian Williams going TAPELESS




8 NEWS Highlights January - August $ 463,589 in advertising value

9 NEWS Highlights January - August 1,155 news stories CNN's John Zarrella shows us how researchers are using a novel approach to understand the way we perceive wind speeds - CNN

10 Three op-eds were placed in the Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, and Alabama Press Register in recognition of the 20 th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew

11 Op-Eds August 2012



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