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Challenges Opportunities en threats for cybercrime fighters John van Krieken LLM MMO Datum 9 oktober 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges Opportunities en threats for cybercrime fighters John van Krieken LLM MMO Datum 9 oktober 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges Opportunities en threats for cybercrime fighters John van Krieken LLM MMO Datum 9 oktober 2009

2 03-03-09 | pagina 2/x Afdeling Communicatie Challenges Old laws, new crimes Crime scene New laws, new crimes Digital evidence Organising law enforcement

3 03-03-09 | pagina 3/x Afdeling Communicatie Crime Scene Which court? (nexus of jurisdiction) Souvereignty Investigation Hotmail & Gmail Webhosting ABN-AMRO-case (joint or parallel investigation)

4 03-03-09 | pagina 4/x Afdeling Communicatie Old Laws Theft Habbo Hotel RuneScape Bandwidth Child Pornography Digital Images Recycle bin, unallocated clusters / lost files Recovery tool Copyright infringements Digital documents and distribution P2P networks Foreign sites

5 03-03-09 | pagina 5/x Afdeling Communicatie New Legislation Intrusion Hacking, from email account to nuclear power plant Also unprotected computers Causing Interference (D)DOS attacks (Botnets) Extortion Strand-case Disabling, changing or adding data Viruses, Worms and Trojans Botnets Successes, but numbers and borders

6 03-03-09 | pagina 6/x Afdeling Communicatie DDOS Attack Digital Fears Emerge After Data Siege in Estonia Reuters, may 4th 2007 Protesters in Tallinn confronted the police on April 26, after authorities announced plans to remove a Soviet-era memorial to World War II. After all, for people here the Internet is almost as vital as running water; it is used routinely to vote, file their taxes, and, with their cellphones, to shop or pay for parking. What followed was what some here describe as the first war in cyberspace, a monthlong campaign that has forced Estonian authorities to defend their pint-size Baltic nation.

7 03-03-09 | pagina 7/x Afdeling Communicatie Digital Evidence Legislation Traffic data from ISP’s and others Interception of data Who, to whom, who pays for what, how to demand and how to deliver Quantity 12 Gigabytes In print on A4 paper 340 meters high Selection tools Authentication No signs or seals How to prove it’s the same Hash-values and storage media

8 03-03-09 | pagina 8/x Afdeling Communicatie Organizing Law Enforcement Chain of justice Information Police Prosecutors Courts & judges Appeal Courts & Prosecutors Each chain is as strong as the weakest link Network ISP’s E-marketplace operators CERTs Private parties Legislators

9 03-03-09 | pagina 9/x Afdeling Communicatie Organising Law Enforcement The country has been hacked National police National prosecutor We have been hacked State or regional police Special prosecutor I have been hacked Local police Local prosecutor

10 03-03-09 | pagina 10/x Afdeling Communicatie Organising Law Enforcement Technical assistence at every level Swiftness Cloud computing Example: Childporn-case MLAT’s or digital assistance: 24/7 network Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention Example: Botnet-case Projects Try not to cover everything at once “Proeftuinen” (investigative sandbox) E-markets, child pornorgraphy and botnets

11 03-03-09 | pagina 11/x Afdeling Communicatie Let’s also talk about……. Spamming Phishing 419 Scams Identity Theft Money Mules and Skimming.

12 03-03-09 | pagina 12/x Afdeling Communicatie Conclusion You are facing a challenge Get out of your comfort zone Use all your tools and find out what they can do Success is not guaranteed Lessons learned are more valuable than quick wins

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