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Ch. 1-21 1.3 System Models for Distributed and Cloud Computing Classification of Massive systems (Table 1.2) 1.3.1 Clusters of Cooperative Computers 

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 1-21 1.3 System Models for Distributed and Cloud Computing Classification of Massive systems (Table 1.2) 1.3.1 Clusters of Cooperative Computers "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 1-21 1.3 System Models for Distributed and Cloud Computing Classification of Massive systems (Table 1.2) 1.3.1 Clusters of Cooperative Computers  Cluster Architecture  The architecture of a typical server cluster built around a low-latency, high- bandwidth interconnection network. (Fig. 1.15)  Single-System Image  An ideal cluster should merge multiple system images into a single-system image (SSI). cluster operating system some middleware to support SSI at various levels. An SSI is an illusion created by software or hardware that presents a collection of resources as one integrated, powerful resource.  Critical Cluster Design Issues and Feasible Implementations (Table 1.3) 1.3.2 Grid Computing Infrastructure  Computational Grids  Computational grid and data grid providing computing utility, data, and information services through resource sharing and cooperation among participating organizations. (Fig. 1.16)

2 Ch. 1-22  Grid Families  Grid systems are classified in essentially two categories: computational or data grids and P2P grids. (Table 1.4) 1.3.3 Peer-to-Peer Network Families  P2P Systems  In a P2P system, every node acts as both a client and a server, providing part of the system resources.  The physical network is simply an ad hoc network formed at various Internet domains randomly using the TCP/IP and NAI ( Network Access Identifier) protocols.

3 Ch. 1-23  Overlay Networks  The overlay is a virtual network formed by mapping each physical machine with its ID, logically, through a virtual mapping as shown in Fig. 1.17.  There are two types of overlay networks: unstructured and structured.  P2P Application Families  Major Categories of P2P Network Families. (Table 1.5)  P2P Computing Challenges  P2P computing faces three types of heterogeneity problem in hardware, software, and network requirements.  P2P performance is affected by routing efficiency and self-organization by participating peers.  Fault tolerance, failure management, and load balancing are other important issues in using overlay networks.  Security, privacy, and copyright violations are major worries by those in the industry in terms of applying P2P technology in business application.

4 Ch. 1-24 1.3.4 Cloud Computing Over the Internet  Internet Clouds  Cloud computing applies a virtualized platform with elastic resources on demand by provisioning hardware, software, and data set dynamically. (Fig. 1. 18)  The Cloud Landscape  Three cloud service models in a cloud landscape of major providers. (Fig. 1.19)

5 Ch. 1-25 1.4 Software Environments for Distributed Systems and Clouds 1.4.1 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  대규모 컴퓨터 시스템을 구축할 때의 개념으로 업무상에 일 처리에 해당하는 소프트웨어 기능을 서비스로 판단하여 그 서비스를 네트워크상에 연동하여 시 스템 전체를 구축해 나가는 방법론.

6 Ch. 1-26  The Evolution of SOA  SOA applies to building grids, clouds, grid of clouds, clouds of grids, clouds of clouds, and systems of system in general.  The evolution of SOA: grids of clouds and grids. (Fig. 1.21)  SOA aims to search for, or sort out, the useful data from the massive amount of raw data items.  Grids versus Clouds  In general, a grid system applies static resources, while a cloud emphasizes elastic resources.  The difference between grids and clouds are limited only in dynamic resource allocation based on virtualization and autonomic computing.  Trends toward Distributed Operating Systems  DOS achieves higher use or system transparency.  A transparent computing environment that separates the user data, OS, and hardware in time and space – an ideal model for cloud computing. (Fig. 1.22)

7 Ch. 1-27 1.5 Performance, Security and Energy Efficient  Performance Metrics and Scalability Analysis  Performance Metrics MIPS Mbps Tflops (tera floating-point operations per second) TPS (transactions per second) job response time network latency  Dimensions of Scalability Size scalability Software scalability Application scalability Technology scalability

8 Ch. 1-28  Fault Tolerance and System Availability  System Availability A system is highly available if it has long mean time to failure (MTTF) and a short mean time to repair (MTTR). System Availability=MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR) MTTF 는 주어진 시간에서 고장 발생시 까지 시간으로 고장 수리 후 다음 고장까지의 시 간을 의미함 Any failure that will be pull down the operation of the entire system is called a single of failure. The rule of thumb is to design a dependable computting system with no single point of failure.  Network Threats and Data Integrity  Threats to Systems and Networks Fig. 1.25 summaries various attack types and their potential damages to users.  Security Responsibilities Three security requirements are often considered: confidentiality, integrity, and availability for most Internet service providers and cloud users.

9 Ch. 1-29  Energy Efficiency in Distributed Computing  Parallel and distributed computing systems recently encountered new challenging issues including energy efficiency, and workload and resource outsourcing.  클라우드 컴퓨팅은 IT 자원을 외부에 아웃소싱을 함으로 인하여 가장 먼저 대두 되 는 것이 ‘ 보안 ’ 에 관련된 문제이다.

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