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No Opening Question 10 minutes to get your poster up on the wall in your assigned location… look at the post it notes – You will have six-seven minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "No Opening Question 10 minutes to get your poster up on the wall in your assigned location… look at the post it notes – You will have six-seven minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Opening Question 10 minutes to get your poster up on the wall in your assigned location… look at the post it notes – You will have six-seven minutes to examine each project… – You will end on your own – NEXT CLASS = Start of European Exploraiton

2 Ottoman Empire Original location of the Ottoman Empire Asia Minor Expansion and extent of the Ottoman Empire Southwest Asia Southeastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula North Africa Development of the Ottoman Empire Capital at Constantinople renamed Istanbul Islamic religion as a unifying force that accepted other religions Main trade in coffee and ceramics

3 Mughal India Location of the Mughal Empire North India Contributions of Mughal rulers Spread of Islam into India Art and architecture: Taj Mahal Establishment of European trading outposts) Influence of Indian textiles on British textile industry Trade with European nations Portugal, England, and the Netherlands competed for the Indian Ocean trade by establishing coastal ports on the Indian sub-continent. Southern India traded silks, spices, and gems.

4 Imperial China China Creation of foreign enclaves to control trade Imperial policy of controlling foreign influences and trade Increase in European demand for Chinese goods (tea, porcelain)

5 Feudal Japan Japan Characterized by a powerless emperor controlled by a military leader (shogun) Adopted policy of isolation to limit foreign influences Able to be more isolated because it was island

6 What helps create the conditions necessary for European Exploration to flourish? Commercial Revolution – Mid 1400’s to 1700’s – Creates new standards for Banking Practices and Procedure in Europe – New economic practices Included standardized money Included lending to help countries explore Joint Stock Company – Association of merchants – Raised money by selling shares or stock of their company They were able raise large sums of money to fund new explorations

7 Terms to help us with Exploration Unit Mercantilism – Economic philosophy that states the role of the government was to increase its country’s wealth believed that there was only a set amount of gold and silver in the world (need to have as much as possible) 2 main ways to make country richer/powerful – Increase wealth via trade (favorable balance of trade) Tariffs – taxes on imports Subsidies – government helping domestic companies – Increase wealth through colonization Access to new raw materials Keep raw materials out of the hands of competitors Settlers of new colonies become new market for goods

8 What Technology made it possible? Mapmaking techniques improved – Used maps of Ptolemy and added new information from Asian and African maps Navigation techniques improved – Use of compass and astrolabe expanded the ability of sailors to explore away from the sight of land New ships emerged – Spanish and Portuguese built larger and better ships Invented the rudder (allowed people to sail against the wind) Started to use the Lateen Sail (sail against the wind)

9 End of Day Question (10/19/10) How do you think the Regional Civilizations we just looked at will interact with the Europeans that will come into contact with them and why? New Unit has a discussion board that will go up tomorrow… due by the last day of the Unit

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