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Overview What the current situation is (pre-project): The importance of this project: The goal of this project: The benefits of this project (to each target.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview What the current situation is (pre-project): The importance of this project: The goal of this project: The benefits of this project (to each target."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview What the current situation is (pre-project): The importance of this project: The goal of this project: The benefits of this project (to each target audience): What the end result should look like:

2 Target Audiences and Communications Approach Target Audiences: Audience One – Communications Approach – Audience Two – Communications Approach – Audience Three – Communications Approach – Etc.

3 Messages to Target Audiences Generic messages Xxx xxx Messages to Audience One: xxx Messages to Audience Two: xxx Messages to Audience Three: xxx

4 Communications Objectives and Strategies ObjectivesStrategiesSuccess Factors Generic Audience One Audience Two

5 Key Risks and Mitigation Tactics Key RisksMitigation TacticsLikelihood (Low, Medium, High)

6 Communications Tactics CommunicationPurposeChannelTarget AudienceDateWho

7 Calendar of Events Item/ Activity/ EventAudienceSenderDate

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