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Test Plan and Execution Multidisciplinary Senior Design Speaker: Mike Zona

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Presentation on theme: "Test Plan and Execution Multidisciplinary Senior Design Speaker: Mike Zona"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Plan and Execution Multidisciplinary Senior Design Speaker: Mike Zona

2 Re-cap MSD I o Identified the customer requirements o Translated them into measureable engineering requirements o Designed a system that will meet the engineering requirements using detailed specifications on drawings/schematics/etc. MSD II o Build the system to the designed specifications to meet the engineering requirements o Test the system to ensure the engineering requirements are met o Verify the customer is happy (or even delighted)

3 Test plan template Good templates located in mycourses in the Build, Test and Integrate Folder under MSD II Example spreadsheet done by P13027 also loaded in that folder In a nutshell: what are you going to test how are your going to test it who is going to do the test when is it going to be tested where is it going to be tested

4 What are you going to test -For sure: Measureable Engineering requirements -Maybe: some sub-system functions identified in the functional decomposition Example P13027:

5 How are you going to test it Example P13027: What tools, equipment, environmental conditions, etc. are needed to test the engineering requirements?

6 Who, When, and Where is testing Example P13027: o Who is testing what and when? o How many samples are being tested to ensure tolerances are being met? o Are there interdependencies between subsystems (Block Diagram) that dictate when something can be tested relative to something else? o Can test equipment enable preliminary simulation of needed signals prior to integrating into the next level of completion? o Are the testing activities integrated into the overall project plan (Gantt chart)?

7 At the end of testing Where is the test data being stored and documented? (i.e. spreadsheets, edge location, file names, etc.) How are you mitigating items that aren’t testing as expected? (might be a good candidate for the six step problem resolution technique) Lab demo with customer/sponsers

8 At the end of testing continued Location of RAW data Summary of findings Conclusions drawn from the test

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