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AIAA Northern Ohio Section Council Meeting Kevin Melcher Chair, AIAA NOS 2012.09.18.

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Presentation on theme: "AIAA Northern Ohio Section Council Meeting Kevin Melcher Chair, AIAA NOS 2012.09.18."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIAA Northern Ohio Section Council Meeting Kevin Melcher Chair, AIAA NOS 2012.09.18

2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx 2 Agenda Call to Order  Select Time Keeper Welcome (15)  Safety Information (2)  Introduction of Council Members (10)  Meeting Rules (3) Section Planning Kick-off (40)  Mission & Core Values (10)  SWOT Activity (20)  Review Planning Tools (10) Committee Appointments (15)  Bylaws Committee  2014 JPC Planning Committee  AIAA NOS 50 th Anniversary Celebration Final Comments (5) Adjourn

3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Welcome / Safety Emergency Egress Rest Rooms 3

4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Welcome / Introduction of Council NamePosition Kevin Melcher Chair Jim Gilland Vice Chair Jonathan Litt Secretary Peggy Cornell Treasurer George Williams Past Chair Edmond Wong Communications Chris Pestak Honors/Awards David Salay Industry Liaison Zachariah Swetky Membership Amber Abbott Public Policy Christine Rocket Pastor-Barsi Competition NamePosition Dan Gerges Student Branch Rep./CSU VACANTStudent Branch Rep./CWRU Al Juhasz Technical Grant Henson Pre-University Liaison Mounir Ibrahim University Liaison Julie Klienhenz Young Astro. Day Christine Young Pastor-Barsi Professionals Carol Cash Council-at-Large* Bryan Palaszewsk iCouncil-at-Large 4

5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Welcome / Council Ground Rules Arrive/start and end meetings on time (Not NASA time!) Be prepared Stick to agenda Respectfully listen to all others and respond thoughtfully  No interruptions, side conversations, killer phrases, etc.  Use appropriate humor selectively  No social loafing or silent attendees Accept responsibility for meeting roles and duties Work for consensus in making major decisions  Once a decision is made, we speak with “one voice” (especially after leaving meeting)  Honesty before cohesiveness  Silence/absence equals agreement All agreements are kept unless renegotiated Be responsible for following these meeting rules 5

6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / AIAA Vision AIAA’s vision is to be the shaping, dynamic force in the aerospace profession – the forum for innovation, technical excellence, and global leadership. 6 Image credit – ways-clear-vision-contributed-to-your-business-growth/

7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / AIAA Core Values Excellence We expect nothing less than perfection in all we do. The critical consequences of our work and the impact to society at large drive our passion for overcoming risk. Community We bring together a diverse community to collaborate and share information and insights among pioneers, practitioners, future generations, staff and partners to enable personal, professional, and business growth. Leadership We lead the global aerospace community into the future with visionary inspiration and the talent of our membership. Knowledge Our profession requires lifelong learning, and knowledge that is wide and deep. We must inspire future generations to continue the quest for broad and profound understanding. Integrity We conduct all activities honestly, truthfully, and ethically. We treat everyone with dignity and respect. 7

8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / S.W.O.T Exercise (1/4) S trengths: characteristics of the AIAA NOS team that give it an advantage over others W eaknesses (or Limitations): characteristics that place the AIAA NOS team at a disadvantage relative to others O pportunities: external circumstances that provide an opening to improve performance metrics T hreats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project 8 HelpfulHarmful Internal Origin StrengthsWeaknesses External Origin OpportunitiesThreats

9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Goals for SWOT Exercise Initiate SWOT Thinking Not perfect or complete Focus on your area Try to put at least one item in each box Complete in eight (8) minutes Section Planning / S.W.O.T Exercise (2/4) 9 HelpfulHarmful Internal Origin StrengthsWeaknesses External Origin OpportunitiesThreats 8:007:457:307:157:006:456:306:156:005:455:305:155:004:454:304:154:003:453:303:153:002:452:302:152:001:451:301:151:000:450:300:150:00

10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / S.W.O.T Exercise (3/4) Strengths  Dedicated core team  Experienced core team  Large local technical community from which to draw members Weaknesses  Work too much on our own  One deep in many areas  Too “NASA” focused  Minimal local technical relevance 10 Image credit – profile-your-biggest-strength- is-knowing-your-weakness/ Image credit –

11 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / S.W.O.T Exercise (4/4) Opportunities Reduction in gov’t travel budgets and restrictions in conference result in fewer opportunities for members to attend AIAA national conferences. =>Increases potential value of local AIAA technical events where travel is not an issue. Threats Membership attrition Competing life activities/interests Other organizations (OAI, other prof. societies) competing for members time and resources 11 Image credit – Image credit – 13978_steps-overcoming- threats-business.html

12 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / Challenge Engage other members  Each council member should recruit a team of at least 2-3 NOS members to help carry out their duties.  Each council member to identify/mentor/train their replacement Every event has a membership component Coordinate events with other council members  Be pro-active in contacting each other  Don’t wait for council meetings! Plan to Succeed  Fail to plan and you plan to fail!  “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” – Zig Ziglar 12 Image credit –

13 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / Goal-Schedule-Budget Worksheet Review worksheet AIAA Resources  NOS web site NOS web site  Datamaker Datamaker  HQ Documents HQ Documents Planning Schedule 13

14 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / My Goals Quarterly Dinner Mtgs/DLs Value-added quarterly YP events Value-added quarterly Tech Events with 2/Quarter in FY14 Complete planning for Fall FY13 Rocket Competition by Jan 1, 2013 Support planning for FY14 50th Anniversary of JPC in Cleveland – want NOS & event comm. to have strong ties Host Section 50 th Anniversary Event by April 30, 2013 Approve revised/updated Bylaws by May 31, 2013. Welcome new members and contact members whose membership will expire Survey members for interests Identify and setup Section bulk email server. 14

15 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Section Planning / My Goals Update logo with current Section Boundaries Submit nominations for 75% of AIAA awards. Provide extra funding for YAD to promote/celebrate 20 th Anniv. Quarterly newsletters Full calendar with FY13 events – update monthly. Provide judges for local science fairs – engage now to get dates on calendar! Engage CWRU and Akron student sections (see Melcher for Akron contact) 15

16 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx Final Comments Please pre-pend “AIAA NOS” to subject line of all emails related to AIAA business Pestak – please see me about award nominations due Oct 1. Next council meeting 10/16 at 12:00pm EST Get started on planning Keep planning schedule dates in mind! Adjourned 16

17 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northern Ohio Section Council, 9/18/2012 FILE: AIAA NOS Council Meeting 2012-09-18a.pptx 17

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