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Is Your Mortgage & Lifestyle Totally Protected?. USA Benefits Group's Eagle Division has had the honor of insuring over 100,000 mortgages the last three.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Your Mortgage & Lifestyle Totally Protected?. USA Benefits Group's Eagle Division has had the honor of insuring over 100,000 mortgages the last three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Your Mortgage & Lifestyle Totally Protected?

2 USA Benefits Group's Eagle Division has had the honor of insuring over 100,000 mortgages the last three decades! We have witnessed over one billion dollars in claims and here is what we know, Total Mortgage Protection Plus is the best plan in the nation, PERIOD!! Anyone can sell you a traditional mortgage plan including me, but for about the same premium you can have "TOTAL MORTGAGE PROTECTION PLUS". So I encourage you to review our plan. THERE IS ONLY FOUR THINGS THAT AFFECT YOUR MORTGAGE AND WE COVER THEM ALL!! USA Benefits Group's Eagle Division has had the honor of insuring over 100,000 mortgages the last three decades! We have witnessed over one billion dollars in claims and here is what we know, Total Mortgage Protection Plus is the best plan in the nation, PERIOD!! Anyone can sell you a traditional mortgage plan including me, but for about the same premium you can have "TOTAL MORTGAGE PROTECTION PLUS". So I encourage you to review our plan. THERE IS ONLY FOUR THINGS THAT AFFECT YOUR MORTGAGE AND WE COVER THEM ALL!! YOU COULD DIE We would pay off the mortgage YOU COULD HAVE CANCER 4 times more likely than dying We would pay $50,000 HEART ATTACK 3 times more likely than dying We would pay $50,000 YOU COULD HAVE AN ACCIDENT 3 times more likely than dying 90 Day Wait $1,500 Disability For 24 Months YOU COULD LIVE TO TERM We Would Return Your Premium ? ARE YOU TOTALLY PROTECTED ARE YOU TOTALLY PROTECTED

3 USA BENEFITS GROUP EAGLE DIVISION Providing Insurance Solutions for 37 Years STABILITY & SECURITY WITH USABG EAGLE DIVISIONSTABILITY & SECURITY WITH USABG EAGLE DIVISION –Nationwide network of insurance professionals serving home owners since 1977. –37 years of providing insurance solutions for the WHAT IF of life! –Over $550 million in business, while insuring 100,000 thousand mortgages and lifestyles –We have witnessed over a billion dollars in claims, most of these claims had nothing to do with dying!! We know what you need to protect your mortgage and lifestyle TOTAL MORTGAGE PROTECTION PLUS FAMILY SECURITYTOTAL MORTGAGE PROTECTION PLUS FAMILY SECURITY –We cover everything that affects your mortgage –Die before the end of your mortgage –Have a Critical Illness Event –Have a accident disability –Live to the end of your mortgage

4 Total Mortgage Protection Plus It’s Not Always The Other Guy! #1 Cause Of Foreclosures And Bankruptcies  CANCER EVERY 24 SECONDS –55% Of All Hospital Admissions –I in 2 males + 1 in 3 females –Average recovery 14 months –6 Times More Likely Than Dying  CORONARY ILLNESSES EVERY 29 SECONDS –1.2 million heart attacks & 800,000 surgeries per year –10% Of All Hospital Admissions –Average Recovery 8 To 10 Months –6 Times More Likely Than Dying  ACCIDENTS –There is over 20 million accidents every year –14% Of All Hospital Admissions –Average recovery 8 months –4 Times More Likely Than Dying

5 USABG Mortgage Protection Plus If Cancer Or An Accident Was In Your Future Which Plan Would You Prefer ?? DEATH AND CI EVENTS Mortgage Protection Plus IF YOU DIE We Pay Off Mortgage + CRITICAL ILLNESS We Pay $50,000 Cash CRITICAL ILLNESS We Pay $50,000 Cash+ ACCIDENT DISABILITY We Pay Payment For 24 Months + IF YOU LIVE Return Of Premium Standard Protection IF YOU DIE We Pay Off Mortgage + CRITICAL ILLNESS We Pay $25,000 Cash CRITICAL ILLNESS We Pay $25,000 Cash CRITICAL ILLNESS DEATH BENEFIT ACCIDENT DISABILITY Return Of Premium

6 80% USE UP ALL THEIR LIFE SAVINGS What if this happened to you? 80% USE UP ALL THEIR LIFE SAVINGS What would you do? Average out of pocket, $16,500 THESE CLAIMS ARE ALL MY CUSTOMERS THESE CLAIMS ARE ALL MY CUSTOMERS  BREAST CANCER / $414,137  10 MONTHS OF LOST INCOME  Received $50,000 On Diagnoses  HEART ATTACK WITH SURGERY / $243,000 Bill  13 MONTHS OF LOST INCOME  Received $50,000 On Diagnoses  ACCIDENT WITH 7 SURGERIES / $393,000 Bill  24 MONTHS OF LOST INCOME  90 Day Wait. Received $2,200 Monthly For 21 Months  OUR GOALS ARE SIMPLE, PROTECT THE MORTGAGE  Pay The Mortgage Payment On Critical Illnesses And Accidents  Pay Bills On Critical Illnesses  Pay All Out Of Pocket Cost On Your Major Medical  Pay Off Mortgage If You Die  Return Your Premium, If You Do Not

7 APPLICATION PROCESS.. GETTING STARTED ON AMERICA’S BEST PLAN Application Checklist So that you can complete the application easily and completely, be sure you have the following information available for each person applying for coverage. Birth Date for each person Social Security Number for each person Height/weight for each person Medical history, such as dates of diagnosis, treatment, dates of service, and current status Prescription drug information such as:drug names, dosages, and date initially prescribed. Physician/treatment facility contact information Payment information: For credit card payments, we accept Visa and MasterCard; for automatic bank withdrawal, please have your bank account number and bank routing number

8 USA Benefits Group Eagle Division About Your Agent  USA Benefits Group Executive Vice President since 2004  4000 Customers  16 Third Generation Families  CHU certified since 1998  37 Years Of Providing Mortgage Protection For The Question: “Are You Totally Protected” “Are You Totally Protected” 866-328-6182 866-328-6182

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