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EADTU “Smarter learning in networked models of cooperation” Smart e-Learning Russia 2011 8th June 2011 George Ubachs Managing Director EADTU.

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Presentation on theme: "EADTU “Smarter learning in networked models of cooperation” Smart e-Learning Russia 2011 8th June 2011 George Ubachs Managing Director EADTU."— Presentation transcript:

1 EADTU “Smarter learning in networked models of cooperation” Smart e-Learning Russia 2011 8th June 2011 George Ubachs Managing Director EADTU

2 EADTU: the institutional network for the open and distance teaching universities 11 Open and distance universities 16 National associations for distance education (repr. >200 universities) 5 Associate members


4 Opportunities of smarter learning are offered by: Augmented and Virtual reality Semantic Web technologies Wearable and handheld devices Mobile and ubiquitis learning 3d visualisation and interaction (Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth) A smarter web offers smarter learning

5 Possibilities of smarter learning changes expectations and opportunities in education Changed Student Expectations The changing demographic of online students at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) Changed (business) models for learning From formal to informal learning (TRIPLE-L) Changed opportunities for academic cooperation Networked Curricula (NetCu) Virtual mobility (EPICS)

6 Changed student expectations Analysing the changing demographic of online students at UOC (by Imma Tubella, Begona Gros, Xavier Mas, Clara Macau) An increased number of students under the age of 21 finds universities offering online teaching. Why do people under the age of 21 choose to study online? Cultural <>technological change 2002 – now; changes in use of media “life technology” becoming “learning technology” (Kennedy et al. 2008) Technology is for students not the issue as it has become their natural environment. It is a significant cultural change as a result of the heavy use they make of ICT in their daily lives.

7 What are these students expecting?: Combining studies with a job or other activities Compatibility and flexibility and being able to manage it autonomously Social groups making up for lack of face-to-face sessions The digital generation demands a more customised learning system that can be accessed anywhere at anytime. A demand created by increased ICT possibilities and students’ ease of working with ICT. ICT makes it necessary to rethink and possibly reform our education systems at all levels.

8 Changed (Business) models for learning From formal to informal Learning LLL-models: Formal, informal and non-formal learning In a formal learning environment the teacher or HEI sets the goals and objectives, while informal learning means the learner sets the goals and objectives (Cofer, 2000). OU examples: –OpenLearn –YouTube, Facebook, iGoogle –iTunesU –Second Life –SocialLearn

9 LLL by new University strategies and Business models Conclusions from European project USBM for LLL: Although high priority has been given to lifelong learning on the European educational agenda since the late 1990s the implementation has been slow among conventional universities, but not among the open universities The learning process takes place in an online – virtual - learning environment, which supports various kinds of interaction: student- student as well as student-tutor or teacher, both individual and grouped.

10 Changed opportunities for academic cooperation: NetCU The general aim of the NetCU project is to; deliver state-of-the-art knowledge in the best quality supported by innovative ICT in an international setting - curricula that are meeting the diverse needs of today’s student population. Approach: a)Analyse existing networked curricula in the field b)Develop models and guidelines c)Experiences with advanced ICT solutions and emerging practices, e.g. social software will be shared,

11 How does a smarter web facilitate networked curricula? A smarter web facilitates the future set up of networked curricula by HE institutions and potentially lead to more transnational partnerships in open and distance education (ODE) and blended learning. Students are provided with high-quality and international course offers with the best knowledge and skills needed in today’s labour market. Through collaboration HEIs can offer their students a broader range of content, better quality and an improved international learning experience. All this made possible by the use of ICT and the smart web.

12 International networked curricula supported by ICT finetuned to the learners needs.

13 Two main goals for extending the EU Mobility programme 1.Use the full potential of Physical mobility 2.Use the full potential of ICT for innovating mobility in next generations new environment of international proximity on-line Changed opportunities for academic cooperation: Innovating mobility programmes

14 Innovating mobility by using the full potential of ICT Create proximity and involvement of potentially all by New media, internet, social software, wiki-like software; Increased accessibility, interactivity, flexibility, personalisation, Synchronous and asynchronous solutions; Multi-site communication; Virtual mobility versus distance education EPICS: from distance education towards Virtual Erasmus (


16 How does a Smarter web contribute to innovating mobility At personal level Digital literacy: work with the latest educational multi media Obtain additional skills for international on-line cooperation Contribute to international experience: interact with students and staff of other cultures and in other languages Enrol to several universities of interest Specialise and individualise student study portfolios More control of study programme by flexible solutions Facilitated mobility scheme: assessment and language Services and support (social media and virtual libraries)


18 At institutional level Academic cooperation models between universities: share staff and expertise New forms of university cooperation between traditional and Open universities: new and more flexible experience of learning Academic enrichment by sharing course programs Sharing courses creates expertise building Increased flexibilisation and accessibility, attracting new target groups How does a Smarter web contribute to innovating mobility


20 Smarter learning used to its optimum by universities can offer its students a personal process of formal and informal learning with borderless possibilities of accessing not only the students own university from anywhere at anytime but also other universities and (social) groups of students. Nothing changes in education as such, but the setting is. With ICT we can create high quality borderless education. For the digital generation it is their natural environment. The challenge will be for universities to keep up with the smarter web and the smarter learner. Smarter web and smarter learners

21 Thank you!!! EADTU

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