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Why? General Conference 1988 Established A.U. Celebrating 21 years of changing lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Why? General Conference 1988 Established A.U. Celebrating 21 years of changing lives."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why?

3 General Conference 1988 Established A.U.

4 Celebrating 21 years of changing lives

5 To educate young people…

6 from all over Africa

7 Understanding, mingling cultures and nationalities…

8 Africans for Africa

9 Wide range of courses

10 5 schools, undergrads 6 schools, graduates

11 2,000 students


13 Indiana Campaign Goal 3 years, 2014-2016 $1.6 million

14 $ 1 million Endowed Chair of Agriculture and Natural Resources

15 $ 600,000 Endowed Scholarships for students

16 2013 Indiana Annual Conference Session


18 AU Choir Tour

19 AU Campaign District Rallies

20 Eric Mulanda

21 Ilgha Monga Ilunga

22 Bishop Coyner

23 You can help!

24 Raising the funds Individuals Churches Special Offerings Mission budget Groups with special interests UMM, UMW, Youth Endowment legacy gifts Faith Promise Mission Event fund raisers

25 Raising the funds Levels of Giving Abraham & Sarah Level $5 per avg. attendance per week Mary & Joseph Level $10 per avg. attendance per week John Wesley Level $20 per avg. attendance per week

26 Pick a goal. Levels of Giving Abraham & Sarah Level $5 per avg. attendance per week Mary & Joseph Level $10 per avg. attendance per week John Wesley Level $20 per avg. attendance per week Keep the Dream ALIVE

27 Education promotes and strengthens: Economic viability, Political stability, Social interaction and Spiritual renewal.

28 Education promotes and strengthens Creates leaders for business, government, education, health care and the church.

29 You can help keep the dream alive in this valley of hope!

30 Vision of Africa University Improved quality of life, peace and prosperity for the people of Africa through quality higher education that includes teaching, research, community service and leadership development.

31 Thank you for your support.


33 For more information and to give to the Africa University Campaign, visit


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