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Afternoon session. Aims  to become familiar with the rationale and structure of the renewed frameworks, including support for planning, teaching and.

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Presentation on theme: "Afternoon session. Aims  to become familiar with the rationale and structure of the renewed frameworks, including support for planning, teaching and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Afternoon session

2 Aims  to become familiar with the rationale and structure of the renewed frameworks, including support for planning, teaching and assessment  to identify aspects of the frameworks which will help address the priorities you have identified through self-evaluation  to build the capacity of subject leaders to lead on the implementation of the renewed frameworks to improve the quality of learning and teaching and raise attainment in literacy and mathematics  to begin to develop an action plan which reflects the school’s priorities for literacy and mathematics and consider how its implementation will be managed and monitored

3 Outcomes – by the end of the day you will have  a clear focus for English and mathematics which reflects the school’s priorities for development  an understanding of how the framework will support this  an awareness of the timescale and further CPD support  begun to develop an action plan

4 Consider your priorities, in the light of: Priorities on SDP ICT Speaking and listening English & maths as part of ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’ broad and rich curriculum AfL Thinking skills creativity Pre-course task discussions. ‘What works well…’ This morning’s discussions

5 Key Messages  Encouraging flexibility  Structuring learning  Raising expectations  More effective use of assessment  Broaden and strengthen pedagogy

6 Using the A3 sheet - consider your priorities

7 Sharpening the focus – what? improving the quality of writing in the school l narrative writing l composition and effect l effective use of sentence structure and punctuation

8 Sharpening the focus – who? improving the quality of writing in the school l addressing boys’ writing l underachieving boys l named pupils

9 Sharpening the focus – what? improving calculation methods in the school l division l effective models and strategies for division

10 Sharpening the focus – who? improving calculation methods in the school l underperformance of girls l more able girls l named pupils


12 How are we going to move this forward in our school?  What support is there from the LA?  What support is there from the Strategy?

13 How will the LA support schools? Self-evaluation and identifying areas for development (in school) Course – Part 1 Oct 3 rd – 18 th ‘Making effective use of the renewed Frameworks’ Head + Lit & Maths co-ordinators Implementing your action plan in school Course – Part 2 Summer 2007 Reviewing impact Identifying next steps Making effective use of the renewed frameworks

14 Mathematics courses  ‘Leading the development of calculation in your school’ (Nov/Dec 06) a 1-day course for all mathematics co-ordinators  2+1 day course (Spring 07) for the maths co-ordinator & a colleague from invited schools

15 School –based Professional Development Materials  You will need to SELECT, TAILOR and ADAPT the materials.  They will support you with identified focus groups.  The 5 key messages run throughout.  They will contribute to your on-going school professional development over the next 2 years.  They provide opportunities for staff to engage in their own action research.

16 How will I select the Professional Development Meetings?  PDM 1 – Introduction to the Renewed Frameworks  PDM 2 – Pace and progression  PDM 3 – Strengthening pedagogy  PDM 4 – Review and evaluation of impact on children’s progress

17 Plotting the journey through mathematics

18  PDM 2 Action research, pair share opportunities, identifying difficulties, gaps in understanding, assessment opportunities (difficult to teach, difficult to learn)  PDM 3 Review, reflection, teaching and learning styles (fitness for purpose pedagogy)

19 Extract from PDM 3  Ask staff to discuss briefly, in their groups, the children’s responses to the questions that they took away from the previous meeting. They should focus on the calculation strategies the children used and identify any problems the children encountered in answering the questions or in explaining how they tackled them and arrived at their solution.  Take feedback from the groups and begin to identify the emerging key calculation strategies in the different year groups.

20 How will I select the Professional Development Meetings?  PDM 1 – Introduction to the Renewed Frameworks  PDM 2 – Pace and progression  PDM 3 – Strengthening pedagogy  PDM 4 – Review and evaluation of impact on children’s progress

21 There are four suggested CPD themes for literacy Communication, language and literacy Improving writing Enhancing literacy Under-performing pupils Plotting the journey through Literacy - PNS materials

22 Literacy CPD programmes All follow same format PDMs to structure them and gap tasks to be done as a staff in school LA programme complements these themes

23 LA CPD programme For all schools Strengthening Foundations in Phonics (teachers and TAs in YR/1) Developing Early Reading (Teachers in YR/1 who did phonics last year) Supporting Teacher Assessment in literacy (for all literacy co-ordinators)

24 LA CPD programme For some schools Using Visual Literacy to develop Writing (for literacy co-ordinators +1)

25 LA CPD programme Intervention training for TAs - FLS (Y5) and Year 3, Springboard Bridging the Learning Gap Provision mapping

26 Effective CPD impacts on children’s learning.  What makes effective CPD?  How can this be sustained over time?

27 Effective CPD Teachers directly involved in action research in their own classrooms Peer support- learning from each other through observation and feedback Opportunities to identify their focus of development Processes for sustaining CPD Opportunities to share practice, work together and support each other Time to embed Opportunities for teachers to reflect on their contribution to children’s learning and attainment Self study

28 Subject Leader’s Role  Be involved in a longer term continuing professional development programme that supports my own professional development as a teacher and leader in the school  Take an active role in leading the school’s development planning and making a contribution to improving the quality of literacy and mathematics teaching and learning and more broadly across the full curriculum  Organise and carry out whole-school focused action research activity that everyone can contribute to and benefit from  Stimulate and lead an informed discussion on pace of learning, progression in mathematics and fitness-for- purpose pedagogy

29 Prompts for action planning identification/confirmation of pupils to be tracked systems for measuring impact – clear timetable for monitoring impact on pupil progress implications for CPD/possible support from LA or others attending courses and/or delivering the PDMs

30 opportunities schedule for staff development meetings impact on pupil learning and adult learning to identify/share good practice within and across schools personnel dates/time links to performance management of staff

31 Excites and Challenges  Think back to what you said excited and challenged you about the renewed Frameworks  Reflect on the day  Have your ‘excites’ and ‘challenges’ changed or been modified??


33 Websites

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