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Selection and Evolution Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors - Ralph Waldo Emerson I have called this principle, by which each slight variation,

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Presentation on theme: "Selection and Evolution Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors - Ralph Waldo Emerson I have called this principle, by which each slight variation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Selection and Evolution Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors - Ralph Waldo Emerson I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection. - Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

2 Natural selection Darwin's theory of evolution has four main parts: Organisms have changed over time, All organisms are derived from common ancestors by a process of branching. Change is gradual and slow, taking place over a long time. The mechanism of evolutionary change was natural selection.


4 The Process of Natural Selection Natural selection is a process that occurs over successive generations. If all the offspring that organisms can produce were to survive and reproduce, they would soon overrun the earth. This unbounded population growth resembles a simple geometric series (2-4-8-16-32-64..) and quickly reaches infinity. There is a "struggle" to survive and reproduce, in which only a few individuals succeed Organisms show variation in characters that influence their success in this struggle for existence. The population in the next generation will consist of a higher proportion of individuals that possess whatever adaptation enabled their parents to survive and reproduce.


6 For natural selection to occur, two requirements are essential: There must be heritable variation for some trait. Examples: beak size, color pattern, thickness of skin, fleetness. There must be differential survival and reproduction associated with the possession of that trait. Unless both these requirements are met, adaptation by natural selection cannot occur.

7 Some examples: If some plants grow taller than others and so are better able to avoid shading by others, they will produce more offspring. However, if the reason they grow tall is because of the soil in which their seeds happened to land, and not because they have the genes to grow tall, than no evolution will occur. If some individuals are fleeter than others because of differences in their genes, but the predator is so much faster that it does not matter, then no evolution will occur (e.g. if cheetahs ate snails). In addition, natural selection can only choose among existing varieties in a population.

8 Evidence of natural selection Industrial melanism in the peppered moth, Biston betularia. Prior to 1800, the typical moth of the species had a light pattern. During the Industrial Revolution, soot and other industrial wastes darkened tree trunks and killed off lichens. The light-colored morph of the moth became rare and the dark morph became abundant. In 1819, the first melanic morph was seen; by 1886, it was far more common -- illustrating rapid evolutionary change. Eventually light morphs were common in only a few locales, far from industrial areas. The cause of this change was thought to be selective predation by birds, which favored camouflage coloration in the moth.


10 Galapagos finches are the famous example from Darwin's voyage. Each island of the Galapagos that Darwin visited had its own kind of finch (14 in all), found nowhere else in the world. Some had beaks adapted for eating large seeds, others for small seeds, some had parrot-like beaks for feeding on buds and fruits, and some had slender beaks for feeding on small insects Each was slightly modified from an original colonist, probably the finch on the mainland of South America, some 600 miles to the east. It is probable that adaptive radiation led to the formation of so many species because other birds were few or absent, leaving empty niches to fill; and because the numerous islands of the Galapagos provided ample opportunity for geographic isolation.


12 Environmental factors In a statistical way: Suppose that each population can be portrayed as a frequency distribution for some trait -- beak size, for instance. What will the frequency distribution look like in the next generation? There are four possible answers: –Directional selection –Disruptive selection –Stabilizing selection –Balancing selection

13 Directional Selection If there is a range of phenotypes in a population, one is likely to dominate. If conditions change to favour one of the others, then the balance will shift.

14 Disruptive Selection


16 Stabilizing Selection When characteristics on either side of the bell shaped curve of distribution are selected against, the graph becomes narrower and taller. Variation in the population is actually reduced.



19 Balancing Selection Sickle cell anaemia and malaria Three groups of people in malaria areas: Normal haemoglobin may contract malaria and die (Hb N Hb N homozygous) Sickle cell will die from sickle cell anaemia (Hb n Hb n homozygous) BUT heterozygotes (Hb N Hb n ) will survive as they are less likely to suffer from a malarial attack The heterozygote is therefore fitter than the rest and will survive to pass on the sickle cell trait.

20 Speciation Speciation refers to the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise. For speciation to occur the "parent" species must somehow become separated into two breeding groups that cannot interbreed. There are two geographic modes of speciation in nature: allopatric and sympatric. There are two geographic modes of speciation in nature: allopatric and sympatric.


22 Allopatric Speciation During allopatric speciation, a population splits into two geographically isolated populations They undergo genotypic and/or phenotypic divergence as: –(a) they become subjected to dissimilar selective pressures; –(b) they independently undergo genetic drift; –(c) different mutations arise in the two populations. When the populations come back into contact, they have evolved so they are reproductively isolated and are no longer capable of exchanging genes.



25 Sympatric Speciation In Sympatric Speciation the separation is non-geographical but more "behavioural" or "social“ due to change in genetics. Sympatric speciation is more common in plants. For instance, parent plants produce offspring that are polyploid. Hence, the offspring live in the same environment as their parents but are reproductively isolated.


27 Artificial selection Particular individuals are chosen and allowed to breed. The alleles favoured by humans are therefore passed on. It is an example of directional selection. Eg. wheat

28 Desirable characteristics: –High yield –Short stem length –Pest resistance –High protein content

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