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Georgia Power Chapter Facts We are a corporate chapter chartered in April 1992 by the Gwinnett IAAP Chapter Our 2011-2012 President is: Rozetta Gray Our.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Power Chapter Facts We are a corporate chapter chartered in April 1992 by the Gwinnett IAAP Chapter Our 2011-2012 President is: Rozetta Gray Our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Power Chapter Facts We are a corporate chapter chartered in April 1992 by the Gwinnett IAAP Chapter Our 2011-2012 President is: Rozetta Gray Our current membership is: 146 Current “Member of Excellence” award winners: 20 Current CAP and/or CAP – OM members: 37 We sponsor an annual one-day, on-site professional education workshop. We have business speakers and /or educational programs at our chapter meetings. We are sponsored by the Georgia Power Diversity & Corporate Relations Organization. Our Chapter Executive Sponsor is: Moanica Caston, Georgia Power VP Diversity

2 Georgia Power Chapter Facts Our Purpose: To network with other professionals; and to assist members in professional growth, office technology and developing administrative skills, while providing tools and information necessary to become effective contributors in the workplace. Our Mission: To effect... Increased productivity, career development, and quality worklife with the office environment by providing opportunities for … educational, personal and professional growth.

3 2011-2012 Chapter Board Officers: PresidentRozetta Gray404-506-7824 Vice President ElectDoris Cook, CAP404-506-4636 Vice PresidentAnita Sisson, CAP404-506-3275 Recording SecretarySharon Moore404-506-0911 Corresponding SecretaryWanice Odell404-506-7346 TreasurerLuana Owens, CAP404-506-1449 Honoary DirectorKerri Gibson, CAP-OM770-621-2417

4 2011-2012 Chapter Board Committee Chairs Membership: Responsible for recruitment, retention & maintenance of chapter membership – including preparing and distributing prospective member packets, new member installation ceremonies, membership roster, and coordinating new member orientation program. Deborah Baker, CAP 404-506-6154 Scrapbook/Chapter Photographer: Responsible for taking photos, obtaining mementos, gathering information and collectibles of the events/activities occurring during President’s term. These will be included in president’s memory book and presented at the end of said term. Cheryl Dezelle Angelia Sanford Co-chair 404-954-4127 404-813-3167 Education/Programs: Responsible for planning chapter’s monthly programs/events, including securing speaker, handling logistics, catering, RSVPs, etc., as well as coordinating chapter’s annual one-day on-site education seminar. Angela Hosch 404-506-4034 Newsletter: Creates and distributes newsletter to all members, other Georgia chapter presidents, Division board members, and others as necessary. Prepares draft for review by Board prior to publication. LaLeeta Pitts 404-894-9956 Retirement Trust Foundation: Promotes Vista Grande (IAAP retirement center) by providing information and raising funds to support its operation. Linda Carotenuto Ways & Means: Develop and promote fundraising events to support chapter operations not financed by chapter’s company-sponsored budget. Webmaster: Responsible for creating and maintaining chapter’s website. Anita Sisson, CAP 404-506-3275 Bylaws & Standing Rules: Responsible for creating and maintaining chapter’s bylaws and standing rules. Connie McKoy 404-506-7186

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