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MOTIVATION By: Abbee Kassing Devan Gubler Dennis VanderLoop Rommy Munoz.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATION By: Abbee Kassing Devan Gubler Dennis VanderLoop Rommy Munoz."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTIVATION By: Abbee Kassing Devan Gubler Dennis VanderLoop Rommy Munoz


3 MOTIVATION AND EMOTION  Motivation and emotion go hand in hand. Without Emotions we wouldn’t have Motivation.  Emotion is what drives us to become motivated.

4 EMOTION: FEELINGS, PASSION, AND EXCITEMENT.  Question:  How do you feel on a rainy day vs. a sunny day?


6  Is it something that we are born with? William James in 1890 called it a natural tendency to seek a particular goal, or acting in a way as to produce certain ends, without foresight of the end.  (William James 1890, 251)  It’s defined as a natural impulse that makes us do things we do.

7 MOTIVATION FOR FOOD  Hunger  Orexigenic Signals: Signal to brain the need for energy (food). This is when we feel hungry.  Anorexigenic Signals : Signal to brain to turn off hunger.

8 OREXIGENIC AND ANOREXIGENIC  The Orexigenic and Anorexigenic signals are not fully known, however there are two hormones that researches have linked as hunger signals.  Ghrelin: originates in stomach and increases appetite.  Leptin: secreted by fat cells and appear to shut off hunger.  Primary Receiver: Hypothalamus  Lateral hypothalamus: receives orexigenic signals.  Ventromedial hypothalamus: receives anorexigenic signals.

9 Eating Disorders  Bulimia Nervosa: Binge eating followed by purging.  Anorexia Nervosa: Fear of being fat leading to restriction of food. People with this disorder suppress their hunger.  Effect 10 to 30 million Americans.  Biggest eating problem in America.  BMI of 30 or greater.  Caused by:  Biochemical Abnormalities  Eating when not hungry  Nature designed for us to overeat. Obesity Eating Disorders:

10 MOTIVATION FOR SEX  Hormones:  Dihydroepiandosterone (DHEA): both genders  Testosterone: in both sexes but more in men.  Estrogen: in both sexes but more in women.  Testosterone and Estrogen act on areas in the hypothalamus.  In most animals estrogen in females regulate ovulation and sex drive, but female humans an have a strong sex drive at any time of their monthly cycle.  Men typically have a bigger sex drive than women do.

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