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1. 1. Consulting companies 2. Altran Organization Human Aspects Forces and Weaknesses 3. Mainv added value 4. Conclusion 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 1. Consulting companies 2. Altran Organization Human Aspects Forces and Weaknesses 3. Mainv added value 4. Conclusion 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 1. Consulting companies 2. Altran Organization Human Aspects Forces and Weaknesses 3. Mainv added value 4. Conclusion 2

3  Financial audit  Strategy  Engineering 3

4  Lack of competences in precise areas  Need for project management  Charge of an entire line of work  Need for advices and innovation force 4

5 5

6 Turnover: 1 650.1 millions of € People: 18 030 Countries: 26 BRIC 6 Asia Brasil Central and Eastern Europe France Germany&Austria India Italia Switzerland United Kingdom Ireland United States

7 CIS - Consulting Information Systems (Services, Bank, …) TI – Technologies and Innovation ASD – Aéronautique Spatial Défense ELIS – Energie Industrie Life Sciences AIT – Automotive Infrastructure Transportation Projects : Limited expertise project  Short Package (Industrialization, Development)  1 year Line work in companies  Several years 7

8 8 Executive Comimttee Technical Direction

9  95% engineers  High turnover: 18.7% in 2008  Recruting difficulties Altran identity Evolution: either technical or managerial 9

10  Large range of competences  High quality services (recruitment)  30 years experience Vs.  Arrogance because of Leadership  Lack of readability for clients  High charges  expensive 10

11 Long experience  Knowledge Management  Forum / International boards  Training / Tutorials  Technical libraries / Data bases 11

12  Competitors Issue  Altran identity 12

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