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W14 Chinese1 Christmas unit: 圣诞快乐shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas

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1 W14 Chinese1 Christmas unit: 圣诞快乐shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas
Objectives: learn the new words, Grammar: 给… give somebody +something future tense: 将要 assessment: video presentation with a partner ( test).

2 Monday objectives TTW introduce the new words.
TTW teach the grammar:give something to somebody. TSW be able to make new words unit on quizlet ( Join Ms. Wu Chinese 1 group) TSW be able to identify the new words and pronounce the new words. Hw: practice the new words on quizlet. Voc. quiz Thursday

3 圣诞树 shèng dàn shù Christmas tree
圣诞老人shèng dàn lǎo rén Santa Claus 驯鹿 xùnlù reindeer 派对 pài duì party 礼物lǐwù gift 拐杖糖 guǎi zhàng táng candy cane 雪人 xuě rén snow man

4 姜饼人 jiāngbǐng rén ginger bread man
圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng pointsetta 家人jiārén , family 节日jiérì, holiday 给Gěi pre. To; vt. to give 送Sòng vt. To give as a gift. 什么Shénme what

5 New words learning 圣诞树 shèng dàn shù Christmas tree
圣诞老人shèng dàn lǎo rén Santa Claus 驯鹿 xùnlù reindeer 派对 pài duì party 礼物lǐwù gift 拐杖糖 guǎi zhàng táng candy cane 雪人 xuě rén snow man 姜饼人 jiāngbǐng rén ginger bread man 圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng 家人jiārén , family 节日jiérì, holiday 给Gěi pre. To; vt. to give 送Sòng vt. To give as a gift. 什么Shénme what

6 Activity: match English with Chinese
圣诞树 shèng dàn 家人jiārén , 圣诞老人shèng dàn lǎo rén 节日jiérì, 给Gěi 驯鹿 xùnlù 送Sòng 派对 pài duì 什么Shénme 礼物lǐwù 拐杖糖 guǎi zhàng táng 雪人 xuě rén 姜饼人 jiāngbǐng rén 圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng

7 Matching pinyin with Chinese characters
圣诞树 Christmas tree 圣诞老人Santa Claus 驯鹿 reindeer 派对 party 礼物 gift 拐杖糖 candy cane 雪人 snow man 姜饼人 ginger bread man 圣诞红 节日holiday 给 pre. To; vt. To give 送 vt. Give as a gift

8 Activities Practice reading aloud with your shoulder partner.
Quizlet flash card practice Match the words on the board:

9 Matching: write English after each word
圣诞树 shèng dàn shù 圣诞老人shèng dàn lǎo rén 驯鹿 xùnlù 派对 pài duì 礼物lǐwù 拐杖糖 guǎi zhàng táng 雪人 xuě rén 姜饼人 jiāngbǐng rén 圣诞红 shèngdàn hóng 家人jiārén , 节日jiérì, 给Gěi 送Sòng 什么Shénme

10 grammar: give something to someone 送…给….
What are you going to give to person? 问:你要送 什么给哥哥? Wèn: Nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi_____ ? 答:我要送耳机给哥哥。 Dá: Wǒ yào sòng ěrjī gěi gēgē. You practice: practice with your shoulder partner to practice the dialogue.

11 Tuesday objectives TSW be able to identify the new words I.
TSW be able to read the new words from his/ her binder. TTW teach the grammar :future tense HW: practice quizlet and stroke writing worksheet. Make 3 sentences with 将要。

12 Warm-up: please write pinyin after each word
圣诞树 圣诞老人 驯鹿 什么 派对 礼物 拐杖糖 雪人 姜饼人 圣诞红 家人 节日

13 圣诞树 圣诞红 圣诞老人 家人 驯鹿 节日 派对 给 礼物 送 拐杖糖 什么 雪人 姜饼人
Voc. practice: matching game: two students will come to front to find the new word the teacher says by putting correct flash card on the right Chinese character on the board. 圣诞树 圣诞红 圣诞老人 家人 驯鹿 节日 派对 礼物 拐杖糖 什么 雪人 姜饼人

14 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè
New words II teaching: please copy down the new words in your binder. It is part of your binder grade. 袜子Wàzi socks 项链 Xiàngliàn ear rings 耳机Ěrjī ear bugs 衣服Yīfú clothes 鞋子Xiézi shoes 玩具Wánjù toy(s) 篮球Lánqiú basketball xbox Xbox 耳环Ěrhuán ear ring(s) 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè

15 Grammar: future tense 要/ 将要
Subject + 要/将要+ verb 妈妈要买火鸡。Mom will buy turkey. 我要买咖啡。I will buy coffee. 老师将要买饺子。 Your sentences Write down in your binder 3 sentences with要/ 将要

16 Wednesday objectives: teks: 1a, 2a, 3a,4a
Warm up Voc. quiz Dialogue practice TTW teach the dialogue. TSW practice the dialogue with their face partner. Hw: practice reading the dialouge.

17 Warm up: please put English after each word
袜子Wàzi socks 项链 Xiàngliàn ear rings 耳机Ěrjī ear bugs 衣服Yīfú clothes 鞋子Xiézi shoes 玩具Wánjù toy(s) 篮球Lánqiú basketball xbox Xbox 耳环Ěrhuán ear ring(s) 手机壳Shǒujī ké phone case 巧克力Qiǎokèlì chocolate 圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè

18 dialogue 玛丽亚:圣诞节快乐Shèngdàn jié kuàilè!!凯蒂Kǎi dì!
凯蒂:圣诞快乐!玛丽亚Shèngdàn kuàilè! Mǎlìyà! 玛丽亚:你要送什么给爸爸?Nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi bàba? 凯蒂:我要送手机壳给爸爸。Wǒ yào sòng shǒujī ké gěi bàba.你呢Nǐ ne? 玛丽亚:我要送爸爸圣诞红 Wǒ yào sòng bàba shèngdàn hóng。 凯蒂:你要送什么给妈妈Nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi māmā? 玛丽亚:我要送耳环给妈妈Wǒ yào sòng ěrhuán gěi māmā. 凯蒂:你要送什么给哥哥Nǐ yào sòng shénme gěi gēgē? 玛丽亚:我要送篮球给哥哥Wǒ yào sòng lánqiú gěi gēgē。你呢Nǐ ne? 凯蒂:我要送xbox 给哥哥Wǒ yào sòng xbox gěi gēgē。我要走了Wǒ yào zǒule。再见Zàijiàn 玛丽亚:再见Zàijiàn!

19 Thursday objectives: 1a,1b, 2a,3a,4a,
Warm up New words 1 voc. quiz new words 2 . Voc. quiz next Monday. TSW start to write their dialogue with their partner. The presentation is next Tuesday. It is a test grade. The dialogue is due Friday. Hw: finish up the dialogue with your partner.

20 Warm up: memorize the new words. 5 minutes later, we will start voc
Warm up: memorize the new words. 5 minutes later, we will start voc. quiz on New Words I 圣诞树 圣诞红 圣诞老人 家人 驯鹿 节日 派对 礼物 拐杖糖 什么 雪人 姜饼人

21 圣诞树 圣诞红 圣诞老人 家人 驯鹿 节日 派对 给 礼物 送 拐杖糖 什么 雪人 姜饼人
a) shèng dàn lǎo rén Santa Claus; b) shèng dàn shù Christmas tree; c) pài duì party; d) Sòng vt. To give as a gift; e) lǐwù gift; f) Gěi pre. To; vt. to give; g) Shénme what h) jiāngbǐng rén, ginger bread man i) shèngdàn hóng; J) jiārén , family; K) xùnlù reindeer L) jiérì, holiday; M) guǎi zhàng táng candy cane; N) xuě rén snow man; 圣诞树 圣诞红 圣诞老人 家人 驯鹿 节日 派对 礼物 拐杖糖 什么 雪人 姜饼人

22 Activities: 1) students in pair to practice the dialogue
Activities: 1) students in pair to practice the dialogue. 2) TSW continue writing their skit. The final skit is due today.

23 Friday objectives: Your project is due today.
Continue working on your skit. Practice reading the skit with your partner.

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