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University of Pennsylvania Licia Verde The cosmic connection From WMAP web site.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Pennsylvania Licia Verde The cosmic connection From WMAP web site."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Pennsylvania Licia Verde The cosmic connection From WMAP web site

2 You are here Danielsson & t’Hooft talks Expanding and cooling Cosmic archeology!

3 looking at the sky Look inside Particle accelerators Russian doll Or.. theory… (Wagner talk) Exhibition in Pillared Hall

4 The cosmic connection: the big picture The cosmic connection: the details: an example. Russian doll

5 Matter (and energy) curves space-time 1915

6 Vacuum energy L (also known as dark energy or cosmological constant) 1917 vacuum

7 Humm.. Looks like the Universe is expanding My biggest blunder…..

8 Some recent observations…

9 WMAP Today Cobe 1994 A picture of the baby Universe 380,000 years after the big bang

10 Fig. From WMAP web site From W. Hu web site

11 Hot and cold spots  Tiny ripples in density  seeeds of galaxies Detailed statistical properties of these ripples tell us a lot about the Universe

12 The Universe back then was made of a very hot and dense “gas”, so it was emitting radiation This is the radiation we see when we look at the CMB Uniform, but with tiny (contrast x 100000) density (and temperature) ripples Ripples in a gas? SOUND WAVES! We are seeing sound!Truly a cosmic symphony… How’s that? These tiny fluctuations, quantitatively, give rise galaxies We try to listen to the sound and figure out how the instrument is made Fundamental scale  Fundamental mode and overtones like blowing on a pipe….

13 Size of spots smoothing + Magnitude of temperature variations From WMAP

14 Primordial ripples Fundamental mode (Geometry) (content, history) overtones

15 From WMAP web site

16 There is more mass than you can see!!! Abell 2218, direction of Draco (Hubble)

17 Galaxy surveys: 2dF galaxy redshift survey

18 Tools: statistics.

19 Additional indications: Supernovae Standard candles Function of geometry and Content of Universe Expansion history! accelerating decelerating Do like Hubble, just.. better

20 Vacuum Energy density or Dark energy Universe is FLAT Supernovae CMB Galaxy survey Figure from a scientific journal: Science for real Line of flatness

21 The Universe is Flat From WMAP web site

22 Remember Inflation? Looks curved Looks Flat !!???.. What made the Universe so flat? What made the Universe so big? What made the universe so uniform? What seeded the galaxies? (Danielsson talk)

23 We (and all of chemistry) are a small minority in the Universe. We do not know what 96% of the Universe is ! Where’s the anti-matter? Components of

24 We have a consistent and coherent picture of the Universe. “Things have clicked into place” Different observations agree quantitatively. They all point in the same direction: the “standard model” for cosmology The standard model for particle physics  The standard model for cosmology Some puzzles remain Recap: Baryons: where’s the anti matter? Dark matter: what is it? Dark energy: not a clue…. Standard model predictions are 60 to 120 orders of magnitude larger than observations GUT? The standard model offers candidates If SUSY is discovered at colliders we could measure DM abundance and compare with cosmological results! Inflation…

25 We have indications that: About 85% of mass in the Universe is made of matter unknown to Earth More than 90 % of the mass in the Universe is DARK About 80% of what’s in the Universe is not even matter!!!! We call it DARK ENERGY Wouldn’t it be nice to start figuring some of this out?

26 The cosmic connection on all scales: example : neutrinos They ARE non-baryonic dark matter Only not all of it!

27 There are neutrinos everywhere!!!! SuperNovae Relict from the big bang per m 3 Cosmic rays reactors accelerators

28 …? A neutrino needs to cross 200 Earths before having a chance to interact 100’s million every second So… do not worry….

29 They are incredibly Petite But do they have mass? The standard model requires massless neutrinos ?

30 How does the sun Shines? How could we prove this? Full details of how this happens called `Standard Solar Model’ Detect and count solar neutrinos!

31 To cut a long story short: Solar Neutrino Experiments First experiment by Davis et al in 1960’s Radiochemical Method (Chlorine): Found ~ 1/3 of `Standard Solar Model’ (SSM) rate

32 The explanation? So they must have mass! At odd with the standard model prediction

33 2002: Got Nobel Prize Look at the ECFA exibition in Pillared hall for more neutrino stuff

34 THE END What you should take away: Cosmology and particle physics now are asking the same fundamental questions. They approach them in complementary ways

35 Further readings, figure sources etc. WMAP web site (basic): WMAP web site (advanced): Wayne Hu web page: 2dFGRS web page: Scientific American article on CMB by Hu and White (in Scientific American February 2004) Scientific American article on Supernovae: Scientific American vol. 290, February 2004

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