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Welcome back! I have marked all of your end of module exams... Have a look at your paper and see where you did well....or not so well. On your post-it.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back! I have marked all of your end of module exams... Have a look at your paper and see where you did well....or not so well. On your post-it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back! I have marked all of your end of module exams... Have a look at your paper and see where you did well....or not so well. On your post-it note the 3 areas you feel that you need to revise/re-visit.

2 Recap Last lesson... Analyse reasons why teenagers often give up on participating in physical activity and following an active, healthy lifestyle. (6marks)

3 Mark Scheme... 1 Health reasons/injury - perceived inability 2 Disability - external prejudice and internal lack of motivation 3 Discrimination - loss of self esteem 4 Peer pressure - needing to be part of a group 5 Cultural/religious factors - wanting to conform/beliefs 6 Other pressures from other interests/hobbies - low status of physical activity/healthy lifestyle 7 Lack of confidence - stay within acceptable comfort-zone 8 Lack of parental support/role model - no-one to push them and to show them the right road or modelling of poor behaviour 9 Lack of opportunity - lack of access.

4 Learning Objectives... 1)Understand the role of the school curriculum in promoting healthy and active lifestyles. 2)Be able to use examples of HOW a school promotes healthy and active lifestyles.

5 LO1 Participation in Schools How does Edgecliff promote healthy and active lifestyles to its students and staff?

6 LO1 Participation in Schools OCR want you to remember the following.... 1 National curriculum/lessons in PE/educating about benefits 2 Examination courses/national qualifications 3 Teachers being role models/using/visits by external role models 4 Coaching courses/qualifications 5 Extra curricular clubs/activities 6 Sports teams 7 Links with exercise clubs/sports clubs 8 Promotions/leaflets/healthy eating days/posters 9 Canteen having healthy food available/no junk food/vending machines for junk food.

7 LO2 How does Edgecliff improve your key processes? What are the 5 key processes?? Developing skills (e.g. motor skills)....Example? Making and applying decisions (e.g. in role of an official)....Example? Developing physical and mental capacity (e.g. in role as a leader)....Example? Evaluating and improving (e.g. technique in a physical activity)....Example? Making informed decisions about lifestyle (e.g. following relevant guidance on amount of exercise and diet)....example?

8 Exam Style Question... Identify three ways that examination courses help to develop skills in physical activity. (3 marks)

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