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Fun & Fit Rachel Cooke, Norwich Medical School Andy Jones, Norwich Medical School Shelley Ames, Active Norfolk Sam Watts, Active Norfolk.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun & Fit Rachel Cooke, Norwich Medical School Andy Jones, Norwich Medical School Shelley Ames, Active Norfolk Sam Watts, Active Norfolk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun & Fit Rachel Cooke, Norwich Medical School Andy Jones, Norwich Medical School Shelley Ames, Active Norfolk Sam Watts, Active Norfolk

2 About Fun & Fit What is the purpose of the study? Funded by Sport England Get Healthy, Get into Sport and Norfolk County Council. Aims to find the best ways of recruiting and engaging inactive individuals into sport. Provide evidence for the design and implementation of future physical activity interventions.

3 How does it work? Wide range of activities, Designed for inactive participants, Phased rollout, From 20 courses in round 1 to 70 courses in round 4.

4 Recruitment Methods Used in Fun & Fit 10 Week course of FREE activity Active Semi-Active Passive

5 Active Recruiting participants through 1:1 interaction. For example: Word-of-mouth Health Trainer/Healthy Lifestyle Services GPs and Pharmacies

6 Semi-Active Recruiting participants through group scenarios. For example: Weight management groups Workplaces – Fit4Work & Workplace Challenge Existing community groups

7 Passive Recruiting participants without any interpersonal engagement. For example: Posters or leaflets Mail Social Media Advertising

8 Progress so far… Year 1 Summary 3 rounds delivered, 1,120 participants, 95 courses, 50 venues, 9,500 hours of free activities provided.

9 Recruitment to date..

10 Active Semi-Active Passive

11 Round 1 Norwich and Broadland

12 Round 2 Norwich, Broadland and Breckland

13 Round 3 Norwich, Broadland, Breckland, Kings Lynn, West and North Norfolk

14 Year 1

15 What next… Round 4 Starting the 6 th of October 785 places 42 venues 70 courses countywide 7,000 hours of free activity

16 Preliminary findings Data collection. How does participant’s baseline physical activity vary depending on recruitment method? What impact is Fun & Fit having on participant’s total physical activity?

17 Baseline Level of Physical Activity by Recruitment Group ACTIVE Physical Activity

18 Baseline Level of Physical Activity by Recruitment Group SEMI-ACTIVE Physical Activity

19 Baseline Level of Physical Activity by Recruitment Group PASSIVE Physical Activity

20 Baseline Level of Physical Activity by Recruitment Group Physical Activity

21 198 1019 1026 Round 1 and 2 Total METS/Week for Participants with Low levels of PA at Baseline Physical Activity +821 +7

22 Round 1 and 2 Total METS/Week for Participants with Moderate levels of PA at Baseline Physical Activity 1265 1529 1386 +264 -143

23 Round 1 and 2 Total METS/Week for Participants with Moderate levels of PA at Baseline Physical Activity

24 Preliminary Findings Summary Recruiting Inactive Participants Screening participants, tailoring courses and recruitment approach to the target audience are key. Changes in Physical Activity Fun & Fit appears to me more effective at increasing weekly physical activity in those with lower baseline physical activity levels.

25 Challenges Targeting the inactive proportion of the population. Attendance and data collection. Incentives. Exit routes.


27 Percentage of Participants Still Participating in Organised Sport or Physical Activity at 10 Weeks and 6 Months


29 Challenges Targeting the inactive proportion of the population. Attendance and data collection. Incentives. Exit routes. Cyclic rather than continuous provision of courses. Bolting on systems for data collection and management onto existing systems.


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