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Problem StatementProblem Statement  Difficult to track patients  Knowing location of patients  Patient data  A need for  Real-time patient information.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem StatementProblem Statement  Difficult to track patients  Knowing location of patients  Patient data  A need for  Real-time patient information."— Presentation transcript:


2 Problem StatementProblem Statement  Difficult to track patients  Knowing location of patients  Patient data  A need for  Real-time patient information  Electronic system  Enhance communication between staff

3 Solution  Design and Implement a Digital System that allows the CCU staff to quickly and efficiently keep track of patients status as well as the CCU status as a whole.  Components in the System  Patient Status Display Board  Web Client  Mobile Client  Sever and Database

4 Concept DiagramConcept Diagram

5 Functional RequirementsFunctional Requirements  Event Entry and Display  Laptop workstations  Mobile devices  Track Performance  Manage Users  Interactions  Database

6 Non-Functional Requirements  Quick interaction  10 seconds or 7 keystrokes  Easy to learn  1 or 2 uses to familiarize  Privacy/Security  Improve overall patient flow  Extensible and dynamic

7 Assumptions/ LimitationAssumptions/ Limitation  Users will be hospital personal within the CCU unit and associated doctors  The network will be reliable  Display board will be viewable by personal within the CCU only

8 Market SurveyMarket Survey  Current Display within the CCU unit at Methodist West  Lacking electronic way to display and record information about current patients  Other departments within Hospital are receiving electronic systems while the CCU is not  Old “System”  Marker and Dry erase board  Hand-written notes

9 Risks and MitigationsRisks and Mitigations  Availability of client, or lack thereof.  Increased flexibility with meeting times  Privacy/Security issues  Coordinating with HIPPA privacy officer  Scope – Requirements creep  Sticking to the project schedule  Shelved software(Not used by intended users)  Usability testing

10 Hardware and Software Technology  Workstation  Windows IE 7.0.5730.13  17in monitor with 1280 x 1024 resolution  jQuery  JavaScript/Ajax  Html/CSS  Server  MySQL  Play Framework  Hibernate  GSON  Java 5.0  Mobile Device  iOS 4.3  Cocoa touch  320 x 480 resolution screen  Wireless networking capabilities

11 Schedule

12 Work BreakdownWork Breakdown  Daniel Sedam: Mobile Client  Chris Nelson: Web Client  Seth Buntrock: Server back-end and Database  Theodore Murdock: Web Client

13 Costs ComponentCost Laptop/Computer in patient room$0 (each room already contains one) Display board$800 - $1000 Mobile device$220/per device Hardware total$2320 Labor ($20/hr * 400 Hours)$8000 Total$10,320

14 Implementation Display Board & Web Client  Tools  Eclipse  Learning Experience  Web-based programming  AJAX and jQuery  Database communication

15 Implementation Display Board & Web Client Log-in Page Controlled Access Main Page and Display CCU Map Patient Table Status Room number Doctors Notes In Restraints On Ventilator

16 Add/Edit PatientAdd/Edit Patient Add Patient Select Empty room from map Click add new patient button Edit Patient Click edit button at end of patient row Select desired room from map Having limited number of fields for patients allows for quick and easy system maintenance

17 CCU MapCCU Map Visually shows current status of entire CCU Color Coated statuses White: Empty room Red: Critical (not going anywhere) Yellow: Stable Green: Ready to transfer Access to viewing / adding/ editing patient information by clicking a room from the map

18 Web Client TestingWeb Client Testing  Unit Testing  Firefox/Chrome/IE  Integration Testing  Usability Testing  Client feedback / survey  Field Testing  Unsuccessful due to client

19 Web Client EvaluationWeb Client Evaluation  Initial Limitations / Issues  Familiarizing self with technology  Lining up communication  Limited feedback from visit  Client Evaluation  Easy to use  Quick interactions  Easy to see status of CCU

20 Implementation Mobile Client  Tools  Xcode IDE  iOS simulator  Learning Experience  Database Communication  Mobile Interface Design  Objective C

21 Implementation Mobile Client Offers an alternate way of viewing and updating system Offers same functionality as Web Client Mange Users Logs Manage Patients

22 Mobile ClientMobile Client Nurse MenuAdmin Menu Menu Nurse Menu View Patients Information CCU Map Administrator Menu View Patients Information CCU Map Manage Users Logs

23 Mobile ClientMobile Client Patient List Quick reference list of patients sorted into Pods Shows limited information Patient Details Room number Initials Status Doctors Notes In Restraints On Ventilator

24 Mobile Client TestingMobile Client Testing  Tested using Apple’s iPhone Simulator  Manual Testing on both simulator and iPod touch device

25 Mobile Client EvaluationMobile Client Evaluation  Issues  Client feedback from visit  Limitations  User’s willing to learn and use the application  Willingness of client to buy devices

26 Implementation Sever / Database  MySQL  Play Framework  Relational database support through JDBC  Hibernate  JSON  Various other technologies and libraries

27 Functional DecompositionFunctional Decomposition

28 Server / Database TestingServer / Database Testing  JUnit Tests  Restful Call Tests  Integration Tests with Clients

29 Testing FrameworksTesting Frameworks  JUnit  Java Unit Testing  Selenium framework  Automated JUnit Tests

30 Testing TechniquesTesting Techniques  Automated Unit Testing  Edge case Testing  UI testing  Usability Testing

31 Testing ResultsTesting Results  By implementing system in iterations we were able to find and fix bugs quicker  Able to fix bugs without creating new ones  Stronger, more robust system since system built in iterations allowing code to be tested multiple times with new functionality

32 Conclusion / Future WorkConclusion / Future Work  Over all the project was a success  System follows all requirements  Client excited to use system  Integrate System with their legacy system  Load patient information from their system into ours

33 Questions  Custom Patient Information Status Board for Iowa Health Systems  Client: Valerie with Iowa Health Systems of Des Moines  Team: Daniel Sedam, Theodore Murdock, Seth Buntrock, Chris Nelson  Advisor: G. Manimaran

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