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511 Death of Clovis. First division of Francia c. 560 Death of Chlothar I. Second division of Francia 567 Division of Francia into three parts Map Link:

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Presentation on theme: "511 Death of Clovis. First division of Francia c. 560 Death of Chlothar I. Second division of Francia 567 Division of Francia into three parts Map Link:"— Presentation transcript:

1 511 Death of Clovis. First division of Francia c. 560 Death of Chlothar I. Second division of Francia 567 Division of Francia into three parts Map Link: Growth of Frankish Power: < maps/map067.jpgmaps/map067.jpg>

2 Austrasia (“The East Land”) Neustria (“New West Lands”) Burgundy Aquitaine Gunthchramn (r. B: 561-93)

3 Merovingian family feud: Chilperic I (r. N: 561-84), has mistress Fredegund, marries Galswintha Sigibert I (r. A: 561-75), marries Brunechildis Gunthchramn (r. B: 561-93)

4 Chilperic has Galswintha strangled, marries Fredegund. Leads to … 575 Sigibert invades Neustria, but killed Childebert II escapes Brunechildis captured, exiled to Rouen

5 Chilperic’s son Merovech marries Brunechildis, who escapes to Austrasia Merovech has adventures, eventually commits suicide(?) Gunthchramn adopts Childebert II 584 Assassination of Chilperic I 595 Assassination of Childebert II

6 Brunechildis regent for: Theudebert II (r. A: 595-612) Theuderic II (r. B: 595-613, A: 612-13) 613 Austrasians turn to Chlothar II (r. N: 584-629), who tortures and kills Brunechildis

7 The point… Vicious nature of Merovingian family politics Fragility of positions of rulers BUT:Confined to upper classes Involvement of nobility in non-violent activities esp. pious acts

8 Secular clergy: working in world (saeculum) Minor orders:low-ranking clergy Major orders:high-ranking clergy, “deacons up”

9 Pope Archbishops Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria Bishops Priests Deacons Subdeacons, Lectors, Acolytes, Doorkeepers, Exorcists, etc. Major Orders Minor Orders

10 Sources of Episcopal Power 1. Spiritual position 2. Family descent 3. Influence at court 4. Involvement in civil administration 5. Land = wealth

11 Arguments for Papal Primacy 1. Apostolic succession from Peter 2. Rome sanctified by blood of many martyrs 3. Rome never contaminated by heresies

12 344 Council of Sardica (Sophia) makes Rome court of appeal for bishops 381 Council of Constantinople affirms papal primacy, with patriarch of Constantinople as second-in-command “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matt 16: 18-19)

13 Pope Leo I (the Great, p. 440-61) Petrine doctrine of papal power formalised by Pope Leo I 451 Council of Chalcedon 453 Leo negotiates with Attila 455 Leo negotiates with Vandals

14 534 Franks complete conquest of Burgundy 536 Franks occupy Provence 531 Theuderic I (r. 511-34) conquers Thuringians, influences Saxons 541 Conquest of most of Visigothic Francia Theudebert I (r. 534-48) expands into northern Italy. Not retained by Theudebald I (r. 548-55)

15 Dolichocephalic (R) and Brachycephalic (L) skulls Questions over (1) identification and (2) mingling of populations

16 Gregory of Tours (538/39-594/95) History of the Franks/ Ecclesiastical Histories

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