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6 Word Memoirs Everyone has a story. Can you tell yours in six words?

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Presentation on theme: "6 Word Memoirs Everyone has a story. Can you tell yours in six words?"— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Word Memoirs Everyone has a story. Can you tell yours in six words?

2 Well, I thought it was funny. — Stephen Colbert

3 Revenge is living well, without you. — Joyce Carol Oates

4 East Coast, West Coast, East Coast. — Mr. Ruggeri

5 Examples from previous students: Trying to do it all. Failing. It's on my to-do list. Foot in mouth, but still talking.

6 Now it’s your turn! Create your own 6 word memoir. A good 6 word memoir should tell us something important about who you are or what you value. Create a PowerPoint slide which includes your 6 word memoir as well as related pictures/images. When you are done, click “File – Save As” Under “Save as Type” change it to “JPEG Interchange File Format” (you have to scroll down a bit). The file name should be “6 Word Memoir – Your Name.” Save it to your account. Then, upload the image to Edmodo. If you finish early, please practice your vocabulary using the link on my teacher page.

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