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Nov-20061 Leadership Lorie Gordon Harland Financial Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Nov-20061 Leadership Lorie Gordon Harland Financial Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nov-20061 Leadership Lorie Gordon Harland Financial Solutions

2 Nov-20062 Leadership: Who Is a Leader? What Makes A Great Leader? How Do I Become an Effective Leader?

3 Nov-20063 Who Is a Leader? Anyone who influences others. Anyone who has followers.

4 Nov-20064 Discussion What Leadership Experience do you already have?

5 Nov-20065 Formal  CEO  Student President  Dept. Manager  Football Quarterback

6 Nov-20066 Informal  Organize a study group  Teach a peer how to test a snippet of code

7 Nov-20067 Comparison: Manager vs. Leader Formal  Power is based on position or authority  Is risk cautious  Works towards employee compliance  Has short-range perspective  Does things correctly Informal  Power is based on personal influence  Takes necessary risks  Works towards employee commitment  Has Long-range perspective  Does the correct thing

8 Nov-20068 What Makes A Great Leader?

9 Nov-20069 Survey Says… "On your marks... let's start... the Family Feud!" Name eight things that make a great leader

10 Nov-200610 “It is important that a leader establishes a vision to provide direction”

11 Nov-200611 “It is equally important for a leader to provide feedback so the team knows what behaviors to repeat and what lessons to learn”

12 Nov-200612 Case Study

13 Nov-200613 Leadership Styles  Traditional/Authoritarian  Participative/Collaborative  Passive

14 Nov-200614 How Do I Become An Effective Leader?

15 Nov-200615 Learning To Lead… “For every note (risk) you never try, you will never know how effectively you can perform it.”

16 Nov-200616 Learning To Lead… Reflection: “Reflect not only on the mistakes (so you can learn lessons) but also on what you did right (so you will repeat it in the future)”

17 Nov-200617 Learning To Lead… Experience:  Find Opportunities:  Document a Process  Lead a project/assignment/phase  Create Opportunities:  Volunteer  Create a Focus Group

18 Nov-200618 Learning To Lead… Self Learning:  Gaining Experience  Preparing for you opportunity to Lead

19 Nov-200619 Conclusion Who Is a Leader? What Makes A Great Leader? How Do I Become an Effective Leader?

20 Nov-200620 “ We judge ourselves by our intentions while others judge us by our actions ”

21 Nov-200621 Q & A Leadership

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