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Even I Can Write Six Words: Using Authentic Personal Writing via the Six-Word Memoir.

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Presentation on theme: "Even I Can Write Six Words: Using Authentic Personal Writing via the Six-Word Memoir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Even I Can Write Six Words: Using Authentic Personal Writing via the Six-Word Memoir

2 Memoir—A “Real-ish” Life Story “A memoir is how one remembers one’s own life.” –Gore Vidal “Unlike autobiography…memoir narrows the lens, focusing on a time in the writer’s life that was unusually vivid.” –William Zinsser

3 Examples of Six- Word Memoirs *Borrowed from Smith Magazine’s Compilation, Not Quite What I was Planning Web site Born worried. Grew old. Stopped. Happy. I don’t know. Please stop asking. Time is something I never have. Soul cleansed at corner fire hydrant. He’s the best in the world.

4 Writing the Story Behind the Memoir Take notes while we watch the videos of the different memoirs that interest you. In groups of 3, Choose the one that your group thinks is most interesting. Now, as a group, write the story behind that memoir.

5 Writing Your Own Six-Word Memoir There are many different types of possible memoirs. They can be: Descriptive Reflective Mantras Relationships Other…

6 6 Word Memoirs.. 6 Tips for Writing Memoirs from Teens 6 word memoirs the video story 2008 6 word memoir film

7 Now, It’s Your Turn! Take ten minutes to create as many of your own Six-Word Memoirs as possible. Types are given to help guide you, but don’t worry too much about where your memoir fits. –Use the words you already wrote for homework for inspiration.

8 6 Word Memoirs.. Take a few minutes to tell the story behind your Six-Word Memoir. Your goal is to fill in the gaps left by the fact that you only had six words at your disposal. –We’ll take about ten minutes to do this.

9 The Story Behind Yours… –After creating your memoir you will be creating ONE powerpoint slide to go along with it. –Use pictures/graphics that represent/go along with your memoir. BUT! You only get one slide- so be creative. Pictures can be “found” or personal. –Save your ppt slide in the “12 merit” folder found in: student drive > Ms. Cafarelli

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