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Accreditation; A global phenomenon that plays a vital role in measurement of sport, health and safety for fair competition. Presented by Sam Thema.

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Presentation on theme: "Accreditation; A global phenomenon that plays a vital role in measurement of sport, health and safety for fair competition. Presented by Sam Thema."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accreditation; A global phenomenon that plays a vital role in measurement of sport, health and safety for fair competition. Presented by Sam Thema

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Introduction - What is Accreditation - Elements of International bodies  The Jabulani Ball  Anti Doping in Sports  Conclusions and Recommendations  Acknowledgements  Questions

3 INTRODUCTION  What is Accreditation: From the Oxford Dictionary: Accreditation is when an official body give authority or sanction to someone or something when recognized standards have been met. From SANAS Document A 01-07: Third party attestation that a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) fulfills specified requirements and is competent to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks A formal Statement which you make and officially say is true A Body that performs conformity assessment services and that can be the object of accreditation Calibration Procedures including UoM Evidence of training of Personnel Traceability Evidence that Metrologist competently transferred traceability

4 ELEMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL BODIES METROLOGY ACCREDITATIONSTANDARDS BIPM OIMLCIPM ILAC ISO Ensures world-wide uniformity of Measurements and their traceability to the International System of Units Intergovernmental body to achieve International harmonization for legal metrology Helping to remove TBT through accreditation process Helping to develop International Standards Accurate Measurement in Sport, Health & Safety Bureau International des poids et mesures Comité international des poids et mesures

5 CASE STUDY 1: THE JABULANI BALL  Controversy surrounding the Jabulani ball: The Jabulani ball, which means “Celebrate”, is South African isiZulu dialect, however some were not celebrating during the 2010 world Cup. Spain captain and goalkeeper Casillas said it was too light and described it as “beach ball”. Luis Fabiano described it as “very weird”. According to him “the ball changes trajectory. It is like it does not want to be kicked, and moves out of the way.” He thought it is supernatural, it is bad

6 THE ANSWERS  Specifications from FIFA proved beyond any doubt that the measurements were indeed traceable to SI units.  Then what were the problems ? Altitude Aerodynamics of the Jabulani Ball Both drag and lift Knuckle effects

7 CASE STUDY 2: ANTI DOPING IN SPORTS  Whiles the reasons for the banning of doping (The use of pharmacological, biological or non biological methods to artificially enhanced the performance) is in the interest of fair completion, the intension is also to ensure for the physical and the mental health of athletes.  Most international Federation such as FIFA, International Olympic Committee, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) do not condone doping in sports.  Through Memorandum of Understanding, ILAC have forged ties with WADA to realize this objective. Out of approximately 34 WADA accredited laboratories in the world, 2 are found in Africa (Tunisia and South Africa).

8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is through conformation of competency by an independent body that our measurements in health, sport or safety can be confirmed reliable and traceable. Not only the removal of technical barriers in sport, however the process further ensures healthy sports men and women Through our accreditation act (act 19 2006) and measurement standards act (act 18 2006), we recommend: continued accreditation and we subsequently support the establishment of the technical infrastructures in Africa and the region, inter alia: SADCAS, AFRIMETS, SADACMET

9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper had the benefit of constructive criticism and the paper was extensively discussed in a series of meetings and extensive exchanges made over time by the following individuals:  Mr L Chisango – Sanas Lead assessor  Mr L Mahlase - Sanas Lead assessor


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