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Employers want more than a degree from you - by recording your skills and experience you can demonstrate how you stand out from the crowd.

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Presentation on theme: "Employers want more than a degree from you - by recording your skills and experience you can demonstrate how you stand out from the crowd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employers want more than a degree from you - by recording your skills and experience you can demonstrate how you stand out from the crowd

2  Suzanne Payne – Graduate Employability Coordinator  Based in Student Activities Office – above Essentials Kent Union supports employability in a number of ways

3  Includes roles such as course reps and committee members as well as time spent giving time to charities as well as other organisations  Is a positive way of gaining valuable skills and experience that employers value and understand Volunteering

4 Is a recognition scheme for volunteering which provides:  Accreditation for volunteering hours  Recognition of your commitment in a form that employers value and understand  Different levels of award are available according to the number of hours logged Kent Student Certificate in Volunteering (KSCV)

5 Programme of training sessions each lasting between 60 and 90 mins  Support your volunteer roles and gain further employability skills  Help you fill gaps in your employability skill set  All sessions are free and you can attend as many as you wish  Bookings made via Kent Union website Stand Out

6  Browse volunteering opportunities  Record volunteer and paid roles  Log volunteering hours  Record employability skills  Record training  Book stand out training session  Produce a skills record The Employability and Volunteering Toolkit



9 Log on to E&V Toolkit


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