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Query Health Technical WG 10/13/2011. Agenda TopicTime Allocation Administrative Stuff and Reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm Abstract Model Consensus Vote and Comments.

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Presentation on theme: "Query Health Technical WG 10/13/2011. Agenda TopicTime Allocation Administrative Stuff and Reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm Abstract Model Consensus Vote and Comments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Query Health Technical WG 10/13/2011

2 Agenda TopicTime Allocation Administrative Stuff and Reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm Abstract Model Consensus Vote and Comments Discussion 2:10 – 2:15 pm Sample Queries and Payload Discussion 2:15 – 2:30pm F2F Planning2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

3 Administrative Stuff and Reminders S&I F2F Meeting will be held in Washington D.C Metro Area. - Details: October 18-19, 2011 Hyatt Regency at Crystal City | 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway | Arlington, Virginia 22202

4 Abstract Model Consensus Vote Discussion Discussion of existing comments Next Steps: Promote Abstract Model for Implementation Group Approval.

5 Sample Queries based on Clinical WG User stories Purpose of the discussion is to expose the group to some of the sample queries being thought about in the clinical work group user stories These influence the Query Payload Most of these depend on common data elements such as patient demographics, diagnosis codes. age group -- a stratified coding of age group (1=<2, 2=2-4, etc.) logical diagnoses or medications, e.g., list of codes that means "GI related illness" or "a statin“ time-based bounding, e.g., "received aspirin within 24 hours of admit", "readmitted within 30 days“ comparatives, e.g, "hypertension worsened over time“ "transferred to another acute care hospital or federal hospital within two days of arrival“ relatively complex Booleans ("on only one of these four medications") time windows ("had myocardial infarction in first six months after admin, second six months, etc.")

6 Query Types Query Types Imply Query Syntax Clinical Information Model Response Format Types of Queries based on user stories Measure Based Expression Queries used for research / hypothesis (More free form)

7 F2F Planning User Stories Abstract Model Alternative Technical Approaches Narrow down to a solid technical foundation Recommend Standards Build RI Note: Running Code is one of our project principles -Approaches can be based on Summer Concert Series or other instantiations of similar concepts -Create Teams around each approach and flush out more details at the F2F so that the approaches can be evaluated shortly after the F2F

8 Alternative Approaches Formulation Thoughts Existing Implementations may not have all the capabilities required by Query Health Document the approaches and identify the elements which need to be enhanced or added for Query Health Approach should discuss standards leveraged and technologies used along with the following elements Approach that allows participation of organizations in multiple query networks Approach to Identity validation and Trust establishment between the Requestors and Responders across multiple query networks (Requestor Agent to Responder Agent transport and trust) Approach to allow authorization/manual review of queries and results Approach to support multiple query types Query Expression and Formats Approach to use clinical concepts and codes during Query composition Approach to leverage existing data from EHR’s Data Models used and it’s extensibility to include new data elements or other models Note: Approaches should be vendor agnostic and will be made available via open source Go Around the room to get thoughts and volunteers to formulate approaches

9 Next Steps Prepare for the F2F Leverage Summer Concert Series presentations Formulate Alternative approaches to present at F2F Fill out the template created

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