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Offers and Quotations Making an offer or a quotation is a most important step in negotiating an export transaction. An offer is a promise to supply goods.

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Presentation on theme: "Offers and Quotations Making an offer or a quotation is a most important step in negotiating an export transaction. An offer is a promise to supply goods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Offers and Quotations Making an offer or a quotation is a most important step in negotiating an export transaction. An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated, while a quotation is merely a notice of the price of certain goods at which the seller is willing to sell. In an offer, the seller not only quotes the price of the goods he wishes to sell but also indicates all necessary terms of sales for the buyer’s consideration and acceptance. However, if a quotation is made together with all necessary terms and conditions of sales, it amounts to an offer. Chapter Four Section One Introduction

2 A satisfactory offer will include the followings: § 1) An expression of thanks for enquiry, if any. § 2) Name of the goods, quality or specifications, quantity, details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, time of shipment, and packing conditions so us to enable the buyer to make a decision. § 3) The period for which the offer is valid if it is a firm offer, otherwise, a remark to the effect that the offer is made without engagement. § 4) Favorable Comments on the goods themselves. § 5) A supplementary short paragraph to draw the customer’s attention to other products likely to interest the buyer. § 6) An expression of hopes for an order.

3 The letter of rejection should cover the following points. It should: § 1) Thank the seller for his offer; § 2) Express regret at inability to accept; § 3) Make a counter-offer if, in the circumstances, it is appropriate; § 4) Suggest other opportunities to do business together;

4 Specimen 1 P61 Comments: This letter is an offer for light-weight raincoats. In order to get favorable price the writer states that if the price is competitive, they will place regular orders, which is a very good method to get the best price. Section Two Specimen Letters

5 Notes light-weight 轻便 range 系列 place regular orders with/before sb. 向某人长期订购 stress 强调 mass-produced goods 大众化产品

6 Specimen 2 P62 Comments: This is a reply to Specimen Letter 1 and the writer is convinced that the price offered is the best price. In the letter the writer answer in detail all the questions he has got from the coming letter.

7  1 warm climate 暖热气候  2 tropical countries 热带国家  3 repeated orders 重复订购  4 be specially treated 特殊处理  5 excessive condensation 过多的水汽  6 irrevocable L/C 不可撤消  7 at sight 即期  8 be subject to 须经 …… 为有效  9 pamphlet 小册子  10 for one’s reference 供某人参考

8 Specimen 3 P63 Comments If the products are not handled by your company, you should pass the letter to the company in question and then tell them the matter immediately so as to show that your company is reliable.

9 Notes  1 Eiderdown Pillows 羽绒枕  2 passed on … to 转交  3 get in touch with 联系  4 sister corporation 兄弟公司

10 Spcimen 4 P64 Comments This is a simple offer. It is made in reply to an enquiry for Green Beans. We should always keep in mind that punctuality is very important. On receiving an enquiry by letter or telex or fax or email abroad, we should at once give a reply or make an offer for the goods enquired for. Notes 2006 Crop 2006 年产量 second-hand gunny bag 旧麻袋

11 Specimen 5 P64 Comments This letter is not so good in conciseness. For example, “This offer is firm subject to your immediate reply that should reach us not later than the end of this month.” It should be changed into “This offer is firm subject to your reply here not later than the end of this month”.

12 Notes 1 as per confirmation copy enclosed 如所附抄件 2 be in a position to do … 可以做 …… 3 Stg. Sterling 英镑 4 in our favor 以我方为受益人 5 lapsed 过期

13 Speimen 6 P65 Comments This is a firm offer. In the second paragraph, the seller draws the attention of his customers to other products likely to interest him with a view to expanding business.

14 Notes 1 Flax Waste 废亚麻 2 admixture not exceeding 15% 杂质含量不超过 15% 3 lbs 磅 4 unchanged at the level last quoted 按上次报价未变

15 Specimen 7 P66 Comments In this letter, the writer gives details of the offer in order to get the trial order.

16 Notes 1 As requested 根据要求 2 under separate cover 另封航邮 3 sample book 样本册 4 in due course 因为,由于 5 Printed Pure Silk Fabrics 印花纯丝细布 6 at seller’s option 由卖方选择 7 in three equal monthly installments 分 3 个月 3 次平均装运 8 trial order 试订

17 Specimen 8 P67 Comments The writer states clearly that there is a growing demand for Dried Plum because he wishes the buyer to place orders as soon as possible.

18 Notes 1 Dried Plum 干梅 2 under offer elsewhere 报给别人 3 bid 递盘 4 avail oneself of 利用 5 growing demand 需求日增

19 Section Three Useful Words & Expressions P67 Section Four Useful Sentences P68 Section Five Exercises P72

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