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Eurocities eRights Award. Why a KSF-T award ? 1)Evaluation tool 2)Promotion and dissemination 3)Yearly survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Eurocities eRights Award. Why a KSF-T award ? 1)Evaluation tool 2)Promotion and dissemination 3)Yearly survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurocities eRights Award

2 Why a KSF-T award ? 1)Evaluation tool 2)Promotion and dissemination 3)Yearly survey

3 1) Evaluation tool ► The eRights award is an evaluation tool of digital public policies for each city and between the cities ► Every year any european city, not necessarily Eurocities full & associated members fullfill an on- line questionnaire ► The questionnaire is based on the 4 chapters of the eRights charter ► Each participant will receive an award from rank 1 to rank 5 using the symbol

4 ► Every year a ceremony will take place during one of Eurocities’ major events 2) Promotion and dissemination ► European major media will attend the ceremony ► Each city participating in the award will receive a specific communication toolkit for their respective local media ► The award ceremony will grant the charter a higher european visibility and value

5 ► All the data collected for the award will constitute a very relevant picture of ICT policies in european cities 3) Yearly survey ► A yearly report concerning the analysis of these data will be produced and distributed through different supports (Leaflets, digital media, etc)

6 ► An orientation committee (eRights working group) is in charge of defining the methodology, in cooperation with the non-profit french association Villes Internet, and the annual evolution grid. 4) Organization ► The jury is composed by a selected set of reputable experts: social researchers, politicians, or journalists; all from different european geographic areas.

7 ► Bologna (june): presentation 5) Agenda 2007 ► The Hague KSF Forum (october 2007): presentation of a first draft questionnaire ► Brussel (september 2007): internal meeting between Eurocities, Villes Internet, sponsor and eRights WG members ► July (2007): final decision on the possible start of the project ► Gdansk AGM (november): presentation in a speed networking session, call for participation

8 ► Brussels (January): Constitution of the Jury 6) Agenda 2008 ► Lyon KSF/Culture joint meeting (march 6-7th): Final Ceremony of the award for the year 2007

9 ► Evaluation tool: Collect data, hot-line, local e-visits, ranking : 21k € 7) Estimated budget ► Survey : analysis, editing : 16k € ► Promotion and communication (video animation, communication toolkit, call for participation, press relation) : 12k €

10 ► Senio Rotondi (Siena), Chairman of eRights working group. ► Jean Pouly (Lyon), Vice-chairman of eRights working group. Contacts

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