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Youth Unemployment VCFP Meeting 21 st November Jon Bloor, Oldham Council

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Unemployment VCFP Meeting 21 st November Jon Bloor, Oldham Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Unemployment VCFP Meeting 21 st November Jon Bloor, Oldham Council

2 Content What the data tells us? Government Funded Activity GM and Local Activity Economic Framework

3 Overall Unemployment 2011- Oct 2012

4 Youth Unemployment 2011- Oct 2012

5 16-18 NEET data.


7 Work Programme and Work Choice Get Britain Working Youth Contract Apprenticeships National Careers Service ESF Complex Families (Family Support) Removal of: Future Jobs Fund Train to Gain Area Based Grant Connexions service Government Activity

8 GM and Oldham Activity GM Commitment to Youth Employment GM Mentoring programme Get Oldham Working Campaign Community Budgets Targeted support for 16-18 year olds (NEET) Work and Enterprise clubs LEBs Employability@Oldham Underpinned by Networks to support co-operation

9 Networking with a purpose Deprived areas have weak connections Organisations face threat of competition in a marketplace. Vulnerable to policy changes But through co- operation can articulate a collective position. The Oldham Family

10 Key Issues Relatively poor business start up rate and stock Economic restructuring Recession Jobs growth created in Public Sector (under- representation pre 2005). Jobs lost in Private Sector Need to close the enterprise gap Need to support young people to ensure we do not lose a generation. Need to tackle issues of confidence Need to connect Youth to opportunities

11 Role of the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector Critical in creating the Network Part of the supply chain - Engaging with Young People, signpost to other provision. Sign up to the GM Mentor programme Can you offer “work-experience” volunteering? Delivery of services – e.g. NLDCF Growth of the VCFP sector as an employer? Social Enterprise expansion?

12 Economic Framework Developing the Strategy

13 Vision The economic vision for Oldham is to be a place where every resident and business has the opportunity to contribute to the long-term economic growth of Oldham and Greater Manchester

14 Objectives


16 Economic Future? Create new jobs Create new businesses Ensure enhanced connectivity between businesses Enable Business to Business trading Ensure Oldham is Open for Business – support Inward Investment Role of VCFP? Place Shaping – Oldham is a community that has been shaped by the community. This is a key element to help sell Oldham – Need a strong, coherent, co-operative VCFP.

17 Any questions?

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