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The Admissions Process Made Easy Newent Community School and Sixth Form UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Information for parents 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "The Admissions Process Made Easy Newent Community School and Sixth Form UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Information for parents 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Admissions Process Made Easy Newent Community School and Sixth Form UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Information for parents 2015-16

2 Timeline 1st September Applications can be submitted to UCAS Friday September 19th School Deadline for Oxbridge, Veterinary, Medicine and Dentistry applications. 15 th October 2015 UCAS deadline for Oxbridge, Veterinary, Medicine and Dentistry Applications. Friday December 4 th – School deadline for UCAS applications. 15th January 2016 UCAS deadline, includes most Art courses but check individual establishments. Late February 2016 Applications for student finance go live online. March 2016 Those who do not hold offers can apply through EXTRA 23rd March 2016 UCAS Deadline for Art and Design Applications not using the 15th January deadline. 18th August 2016 A2 and AS results. Clearing vacancies published Late September last date for clearing applications.


4 Applying to UCAS Students apply online at Before applying they should RESEARCH RESEARCH CHECK ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (including admissions tests) CHECK ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (including admissions tests) BEGIN TO DRAFT A PERSONAL STATEMENT BEGIN TO DRAFT A PERSONAL STATEMENT ASK SUBJECT TEACHERS FOR SUBJECT REFERENCES ASK SUBJECT TEACHERS FOR SUBJECT REFERENCES ASK FOR HELP IF NECESSARY ASK FOR HELP IF NECESSARY *5 Choices except Medicine / Dentistry / Veterinary which are 4 choices *Oxford or Cambridge

5 It’s a big decision… we aim to make sure they make the right choice!

6 your-application your-application Every applicant has five sections to complete: Personal details Personal details Choices Choices Education Education Employment Employment Personal Statement Personal Statement A member of staff at school, usually their tutor, will then complete a reference. Fees £23.00 for up to 5 applications, £12.00 for an application to a single institute

7 Applying through UCAS…Research There are many things to consider when students choose their University course Which University? They should consider:- Distance from home Location – Campus or Town University/Department Reputation What academic, social and recreational requirements Which Course? What do they want to do? Subject Course Content and Facilities Methods of Teaching / Assessment No two courses are exactly the same! Career Implications Flexibility

8 Admissions Tests Students applying for some courses are required to sit an admissions test as part of the application process. Students will need to check whether their chosen course requires a test. BMAT (Biomedical Admissions test) for entry to Medical and veterinary Schools ( UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) for medical and and dental degree courses ( HAT (History Aptitude Test) Oxford University LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law) ( ELAT (English Literature Admissions Test) ) Oxford University IOT (Institutions own tests)

9 We have a range of resources to help students make the right decision… Guides Galore: e.g. Getting In Getting On, Trotman/ Heap, Virgin Alternative Guide, Times & Guardian. They should also use: Social networking Internet resources..... Push Independent Guide to Universities Push Independent Guide to Universities

10 Entry Profiles Provide clear, up to date information about undergraduate courses Facilitate fully informed choices Same course title – different experience The qualities/skills needed to for particular courses

11 Unistats - Student Opinion Students can use Unistats to find out what previous students thought about the course, as well as to learn about the likely costs and the kind of jobs or further study which students who completed the course went on to do.

12 Experiential Research Students need to obtain a real ‘feel’ for the university, subject, course, career. UCAS events Open Days Taster Courses Subject specific events Summer Schools Schools/college liaison

13 Admissions Tutors look for:- GCSE results GCSE results Other academic and vocational attainment Other academic and vocational attainment Predicted grades Predicted grades Personal statement Personal statement Reference Reference Admissions tests Admissions tests Piece of written work Piece of written work Portfolio Portfolio Interview Interview Audition Audition * Admission tutors do not know which other universities an applicant has applied to.

14 Personal Statement “The Personal Statement is a students’ chance to sell and differentiate themselves…to influence the Admission Tutors and explain their motivations” “ Personal statements are like a paper based Interview” The same principles apply… First impressions count! Appearance & presentation is important Keep to the point Impress the interviewer

15 What next? Acknowledgement Letter List of choices Password and details of ‘Track’ An admissions tutor may make one of three decisions: Unconditional offer (U) Conditional offer (C) Unsuccessful (R) or A place on a different course Deferred entry A maximum of two offers may be held after final decision has been received Choice of three reply options: Firm acceptance - Insurance acceptance Decline Final Decision Letter

16 UCAS Extra ‘Second bite of the Cherry’ Extra operates from late Feb, to early July. Courses which have vacancies in Extra are listed during this period at Eligible Applicants: No offers made All offers declined Student Driven: Available courses listed Self-referral Application sent to relevant University

17 Results! 18 th August 2016 Results Day Results! 18 th August 2016 Things go well… Absolute commitment? Universities must confirm offers Students can change their mind but will then have to go through clearing and start the process again in terms of applying for accommodation etc. Things don’t go so well… CF may still confirm the offer Insurance offer Clearing

18 The Adjustment Process If results are better than the conditions of their firm choice 5 Day Adjustment Period Look at available courses and contact University Receive new offer or stick with firm choice

19 Clearing Matches available applicants to vacancies Students will need to find a course & University using the UCAS website and /or The Independent Contact the University Send the University the Clearing Entry Form (CEF) University makes the offer

20 Your child is now a University Student! Congratulations and Good Luck to you all!

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