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IS2210: Systems Analysis, Systems Design and Change Twitter:

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1 IS2210: Systems Analysis, Systems Design and Change Email: Twitter: @InstCathalDoyle@InstCathalDoyle Website:

2 Learning Outcomes O Understand the stages of the SDLC O Understand how to apply a framework to a case study O Understand the implications for practice

3 O Realised the project would follow stages of the SDLC O Considers it an adaptation of the SDLC O This highlights that the SDLC can be applied to both development and non-development contexts Introduction

4 Planning Phase: Problem Definition O Home health was a standalone facility from the hospital O The software was at least 7 years old, and could not keep up with demands O The current system was also not scalable to the growing needs within the environment

5 O Therefore the objective was to O Modernise their operations with current technology O Provide the best patient care available to their clients in the Home Health arena

6 Feasibility Study O Technical (do we have the necessary resources and infrastructure to support the software if it is acquired?) O Economic (do we have the financial resources to pay for it, including support and maintenance?) O Operational (do we have properly trained individuals who can operate and use the software?)

7 O There was $250,000 for procurement (economic feasibility) O IT infrastructure was up-to-date with regard to supporting new software (technical feasibility) O Support staff and potential end users were well trained and enthusiastic about the new technology (operational feasibility)

8 Analysis Phase: Requirements Gathering O Met with various stakeholders (i.e. Director of the Home Care facility, potential end- users) O Notes were taken at the meetings O Requirements were then collated into a spreadsheet

9 O MEDITECH Compatible O One of the most important requirements O They are one of the leading software vendors in the health care informatics industry O Vital the new software is Medictech compatible

10 O Point of Care Documentation O This is a recent shift in technology use in hospitals O Reduces inefficiencies, decreases the probability of errors, promotes information transfer, etc.

11 O OASIS Analyser O OASIS is a system developed for Medicare and Medicaid Services O Allows staff to work more intelligently, looking to improve clinical and financial results O Considered a “must have” requirement

12 O Physician Portal O The software must have an entryway for attending, resident, or primary caregiver physician O This should give them immediate access to critical patient data and history

13 O Other Must Haves Requirements O Special billing and accounts receivable modules O Real-time reports, and built in dashboards to provide business intelligence O System must be user friendly

14 O Desirable Requirements O Security O Trial period available

15 Other Issues O Is the proposed solution a Home Health-only product, or is it part of a larger system? O Are there other modules available (ability to sync data with a PDA or smart phone)? O Is there a web demo available to view online, or interact with in real situations?

16 Other Observations O Kept track of information such as experience, dependability, and professionalism of vendors O Anecdotal evidence of vendors was also captured

17 Design O They felt no design was required as they were purchasing the software O Does this make sense? O They had a shortlist of 5 vendors that they reduced to 2 as this stage

18 The Choice O A meeting was held with the primary stakeholders of Home Health’s division O A decision was made together to invite Vendor B to demonstrate their solution O Gave a solid presentation, and Home Health was very much their focus

19 O Another vendor got to present also O Gave a solid presentation, but Home Health was merely only a small part of their business O They went with Vendor B

20 Ironically… O The vendor’s software was not Meditech compatible O What does this mean? O They needed to hire another company to build a customised solution

21 Implementation Phase O Types of Installation O Direct Installation O Parallel Installation O Single Location Installation O Phased Installation

22 O Used the “Parallel Installation” method O Users were required to enter information into both systems, but after 60 days the “go live” date came into effect O Training was provided two weeks before the “go live” date

23 Maintenance/Support Phase O Software upgrades are provided every 6 weeks by the vendor O These proved non disruptive to the system O All end users were satisfied with the outcome

24 The Case Study O Implications for practice O Shows that concepts learned in the classroom can be effectively applied in a business environment O Applying due diligence can lead to good rewards O Shows that the SDLC is not just an academic model

25 Thanks O Any questions?

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