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Made by Andrea..  Population: 4.2 million  Capital: Wellington  Major languages: English, Maori  Major religion: Christianity  Life expectancy: 76.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by Andrea..  Population: 4.2 million  Capital: Wellington  Major languages: English, Maori  Major religion: Christianity  Life expectancy: 76."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by Andrea.

2  Population: 4.2 million  Capital: Wellington  Major languages: English, Maori  Major religion: Christianity  Life expectancy: 76 years (men), 81 years (women)  Monetary unit: 1 New Zealand dollar ($NZ) = 100 cents  Main exports: Wool, food and dairy products, wood and paper products  Internet  International dialing code: +64 New Zealand Facts – Overview.

3  Highest point: Mount Cook (3,754 m or 12313 ft.)  Deepest lake: Lake Hauroko (462 m 1515 ft.)  Largest lake: Lake Taupo (606 km or 234 miles)  Longest river: Waikato River (425 km or 264 miles long)  Largest glacier: Tasman Glacier (29 km or 18 miles long)  Deepest cave: Nettlebed, Mount Arthur (889 m or 2916 ft.)  Length of coastline: 15,811 km (9824 miles)  Biggest city: Auckland ( 1.2 million people) MORE…

4 Cricket and rugby are important sports. The national rugby team is called All Blacks. And in the mountain's you can go skiing. SPORT.

5  Parliamentary democracy, (prime minister).  British monarch.  1893 first. THE POLITICAL SYSTEM AND GOVERNMENT.

6 The official language are Maori and English. New Zealand consist of two main islands called the North and South Islands. There also a number of smaller islands. LANGUAGE AND GEOGRAPHY.

7  It is the largest island, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps. There are 18 peaks of more than 3000 meters in the South Island.  It is less mountainous than the South. The tallest North Island mountain, Mount Ruapehu (2797 m), is an active cone volcano. South IslandNorth Island SOUTH AND NORTH.

8  First People Polynesia 800-1300 AD.  The first Europeans were Abel Tasman (1642) and Captain James Cook (1769).  80% are of European- mainly British and Irish – descent. The rest of the populations made up of Maoris (8%), Asians (6%). About 80% of the population lives in cities.  The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840, giving sovereignty of New Zealand to Britain. THE MAORIS AND WHITE.

9 Like most other highly developed countries, New Zealand has an economy in which the service sector is most important. Manufacturing comes next, and then farming (especially sheep farming) and mining. kick on the star to see more about their money. MONEY.

10  The lord of the rings films were made in New Zealand’s beautiful Scenery.  All Blacks. Rugby team.  Buildings: Klick on the stare. FAME.

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