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Published byWilliam Cannon Modified over 8 years ago
World Climate Research Programme 1 Master-Untertitelformat bearbeiten 1 Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU Kevin Trenberth Chair WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel WCRP: WMO/IOC/ICSU Observations and their Analysis for WCRP/COPES
World Climate Research Programme 2 TOR for WOAP: TOR for WOAP: paraphrased Identify climate observational requirements Help optimize observations Act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups Promote and coordinate analysis, reprocessing, reanalysis and assimilation Promote and coordinate information and data management activities, including web sites. Observations include those from space platforms. TOR for WOAP: TOR for WOAP: paraphrased Identify climate observational requirements Help optimize observations Act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups Promote and coordinate analysis, reprocessing, reanalysis and assimilation Promote and coordinate information and data management activities, including web sites. Observations include those from space platforms.
World Climate Research Programme 3 TOR for WOAP: To identify observational requirements for climate system analysis and prediction and assist in optimization of observational strategies for sustained observation and to act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups and programmes. To promote and coordinate synthesis of global observations from the atmosphere, oceans, land and cryosphere, and for the fully-coupled system, through analysis, reanalysis and assimilation activities across WCRP, including the Modelling Panel; To promote and coordinate WCRP information and data management activities, including development of web sites, in liaison with WCRP projects. Observations include those from space platforms. TOR for WOAP: To identify observational requirements for climate system analysis and prediction and assist in optimization of observational strategies for sustained observation and to act as a focal point for WCRP interactions with other groups and programmes. To promote and coordinate synthesis of global observations from the atmosphere, oceans, land and cryosphere, and for the fully-coupled system, through analysis, reanalysis and assimilation activities across WCRP, including the Modelling Panel; To promote and coordinate WCRP information and data management activities, including development of web sites, in liaison with WCRP projects. Observations include those from space platforms.
World Climate Research Programme 4 WOAP-1 7/ Draft and send a letter on need to exploit satellite data we already have and continue observational streams on behalf WCRP, signed by P. Lemke, to CEOS members and GEO co-chairs. Point out and endorse GCOS IP, WCRP needs, GEOSS links. Main points: 1)ensure the continuity of established capabilities; 2)need for continuity and homogeneity of observations for climate purposes; 3)need for more attention to data synthesis, reprocessing, analysis and re-analysis of existing data sets; and 4)recognition of the need for a complementary in situ observation strategy. Done 30 June Response received 15 August (not satisfactory) WOAP-1 7/ Draft and send a letter on need to exploit satellite data we already have and continue observational streams on behalf WCRP, signed by P. Lemke, to CEOS members and GEO co-chairs. Point out and endorse GCOS IP, WCRP needs, GEOSS links. Main points: 1)ensure the continuity of established capabilities; 2)need for continuity and homogeneity of observations for climate purposes; 3)need for more attention to data synthesis, reprocessing, analysis and re-analysis of existing data sets; and 4)recognition of the need for a complementary in situ observation strategy. Done 30 June Response received 15 August (not satisfactory)
World Climate Research Programme 5 Key points are: 1) We are not inventing new requirements 2) We are, however, trying to help establish priorities and to sharpen those: Continuity, continuity continuity: Needed in any strategy for future Reprocessing and reanalysis of past data Calibration, accuracy, benchmarks, in situ 3) Especially at risk now with NPOESS cuts in longer term.
World Climate Research Programme 6 WOAP-1 Reanalyses Establish a clearing house for reanalyses Develop strategy of staggering analyses, coordination Advocacy Progress in building the basic dataset Document rationale for reanalyses: atmosphere, ocean, land, ice, stratosphere, coupled. (Report written) Merits, benefits, exploitation of new data Explore proposal for a reanalysis workshop to be held at ECMWF end of June 2006. Reanalyses Conference: A proposal to hold the next major reanalysis conference in Japan in fall 2007 was passed on and approved. Topics will include: Atmosphere, ocean, coupled WOAP-1 Reanalyses Establish a clearing house for reanalyses Develop strategy of staggering analyses, coordination Advocacy Progress in building the basic dataset Document rationale for reanalyses: atmosphere, ocean, land, ice, stratosphere, coupled. (Report written) Merits, benefits, exploitation of new data Explore proposal for a reanalysis workshop to be held at ECMWF end of June 2006. Reanalyses Conference: A proposal to hold the next major reanalysis conference in Japan in fall 2007 was passed on and approved. Topics will include: Atmosphere, ocean, coupled
World Climate Research Programme 7 The underlying data base is not constant, and changes disrupt the climate record. There is no baseline reference network to anchor the data Radiosondes improve and change type over time Satellites only after 1979, last order 5 years, drift in orbit, change instruments, calibration Bias corrections are applied but remain imperfect Continuity is a key issue, especially for climate change Further technological development, change and improvement is expected. Major challenge is to deal with changing observations The underlying data base is not constant, and changes disrupt the climate record. There is no baseline reference network to anchor the data Radiosondes improve and change type over time Satellites only after 1979, last order 5 years, drift in orbit, change instruments, calibration Bias corrections are applied but remain imperfect Continuity is a key issue, especially for climate change Further technological development, change and improvement is expected. Major challenge is to deal with changing observations Reanalysis: The chief outstanding issue:
World Climate Research Programme 8 Conclusion: Internationally-coordinated reanalysis activities need to be enhanced and sustained by the involved Parties to meet the requirements for monitoring climate trends, to establish ocean reanalysis for the recent satellite era, and to include variables related to atmospheric composition and other aspects of climate forcing. From: Executive Summary of “ The Second Report on the Adequacy of The Global Observing Systems for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC”. Conclusion: Internationally-coordinated reanalysis activities need to be enhanced and sustained by the involved Parties to meet the requirements for monitoring climate trends, to establish ocean reanalysis for the recent satellite era, and to include variables related to atmospheric composition and other aspects of climate forcing. From: Executive Summary of “ The Second Report on the Adequacy of The Global Observing Systems for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC”.
World Climate Research Programme 9 WOAP-1 Reprocessing: assess variables for need and readiness, and commitments. Include in GEOSS. 5 Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records For climate, the value of an observational record increases with time, provided that the record is continuous and homogeneous. As datasets are used, characteristics of the data and problems are exposed, and often solutions to problems or algorithm improvements are proposed. This is especially the case for satellite measurements. Accordingly, re-processing of the record should be an integral part of the process of creating a climate data record. WOAP-1 Reprocessing: assess variables for need and readiness, and commitments. Include in GEOSS. 5 Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records For climate, the value of an observational record increases with time, provided that the record is continuous and homogeneous. As datasets are used, characteristics of the data and problems are exposed, and often solutions to problems or algorithm improvements are proposed. This is especially the case for satellite measurements. Accordingly, re-processing of the record should be an integral part of the process of creating a climate data record.
World Climate Research Programme 10 Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records 1.Re-processing of climate data records should be motivated by a scientific goal, a specific use of the data that requires a demonstrated improvement over the currently available version or becomes possible because of improvements that can be achieved by re-processing. 2. Before re-processing commences, problems in the data record should have been identified and investigated to determine the causes of the problems and fixes or improvements should have been developed. 3. Before a data record is re-processed, the whole chain of processing from instrument calibration through retrieval to sampling should be reviewed and improvements sought. Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records 1.Re-processing of climate data records should be motivated by a scientific goal, a specific use of the data that requires a demonstrated improvement over the currently available version or becomes possible because of improvements that can be achieved by re-processing. 2. Before re-processing commences, problems in the data record should have been identified and investigated to determine the causes of the problems and fixes or improvements should have been developed. 3. Before a data record is re-processed, the whole chain of processing from instrument calibration through retrieval to sampling should be reviewed and improvements sought.
World Climate Research Programme 11 Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records 4. The Climate Data Record Meta-data should be updated to include newly discovered aspects and characteristics of the record resulting from preparatory investigations (or any other new results) or during the re-processing and to facilitate the next re-processing. 5. An overall goal of Climate Data Record re-processing should be to increase the physical consistency among the available data products describing climate variations, as well as the continuity over time; hence, any re-processing project should also consider joint requirements with other Climate Data Records that may require coordinated re- processing of them as well. Principles for Re-Processing Climate Data Records 4. The Climate Data Record Meta-data should be updated to include newly discovered aspects and characteristics of the record resulting from preparatory investigations (or any other new results) or during the re-processing and to facilitate the next re-processing. 5. An overall goal of Climate Data Record re-processing should be to increase the physical consistency among the available data products describing climate variations, as well as the continuity over time; hence, any re-processing project should also consider joint requirements with other Climate Data Records that may require coordinated re- processing of them as well.
World Climate Research Programme 12 WOAP-1 Task group on data assimilation has written a short report on issues to be taken up by WOAP: separate data assimilation activities occur in GEWEX, CLIVAR, SPARC and CLIC. Issue of resolution of DA models and full utilization of satellite data. The data management task group will review existing WCRP web structure and sites, and make recommendations for WCRP-wide over-arching structure and site contents. The data management task group will propose a data policy for WCRP based on existing project documents. WGOA.html WOAP-1 Task group on data assimilation has written a short report on issues to be taken up by WOAP: separate data assimilation activities occur in GEWEX, CLIVAR, SPARC and CLIC. Issue of resolution of DA models and full utilization of satellite data. The data management task group will review existing WCRP web structure and sites, and make recommendations for WCRP-wide over-arching structure and site contents. The data management task group will propose a data policy for WCRP based on existing project documents. WGOA.html
World Climate Research Programme 13 CliC Climate and Cryosphere CliC > CIPO CliC International Project Office CliC > SSG Scientific Steering Group CliC > ACP Arctic Climate Panel CliC > DMIP Data Management and Information Panel CliC > NEG Numerical Experimentation Group CliC > OPP Observation Products Panel CLIVAR Climate Variability and Predictability Programme CLIVAR > GOALS Global Ocean Atmosphere Land System CLIVAR > DecCen Decadal-to-Centennial CLIVAR > ACC Anthropogenic Climate Change CLIVAR > SSG Scientific Steering Group CLIVAR > GSOP Global Synthesis & Observations Panel CLIVAR/PAGES > Working Group CCI/CLIVAR > ETCCDMI Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices CLIVAR > WGSIP Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction JSC/CLIVAR > WGCM Working Group on Coupled Modelling CLIVAR > WGOMD Working Group on Ocean Model Development CLIVAR > AAMP Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel CLIVAR > VAMOS Variability of the American Monsoon Systems CLIVAR > VACS Variability of the African Climate System CLIVAR > Atlantic Panel CLIVAR > Pacific Panel CLIVAR > Indian Ocean Panel CLIVAR/CliC > SOIP Southern Ocean Implementation Panel CLIVAR > ICPO International CLIVAR Project Office
World Climate Research Programme 14 GEWEX Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment GEWEX > GHP GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel GEWEX > GHP > DMWG Data Management Working Group GEWEX > GHP > SWING Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group GEWEX > GHP > TWG Transferability Working Group GEWEX > GHP > WEBS Water and Energy Budget Studies GEWEX > GHP > WISE Worldwide Integrated Study of Extremes GEWEX > GHP > WRAP Water Resources Applications Project GEWEX > GHP > AMMA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis GEWEX > GHP > BALTEX Baltic Sea Experiment GEWEX > GHP > GAME GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment GEWEX > GHP > MAHASRI Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmospheric Science Research and predictio GEWEX > GHP > GAPP GEWEX Americas Prediction Project GEWEX > GHP > LBA Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia GEWEX > GHP > LPB La Plata Basin GEWEX > GHP > MAGS Mackenzie GEWEX Study GEWEX > GHP > MDB Murray-Darling Basin GEWEX > GRP GEWEX Radiation Panel GEWEX > GRP > BSRN Baseline Surface Radiation Network GEWEX > GRP > GACP Global Aerosol Climatology Project GEWEX > GRP > GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project GEWEX > GRP > GVaP Global Water Vapor Project GEWEX > GRP > ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project GEWEX > GRP > SRB Surface Radiation Budget GEWEX > GMPP GEWEX Modeling and Prediction Panel GEWEX > GMPP > GABLS GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study GEWEX > GMPP > GCSS GEWEX Cloud System Study GEWEX > GMPP > GLASS Global Land Atmosphere System Study GEWEX > GMPP > GLASS > ALMA Assistance for Land-surface Modelling activities GEWEX > GMPP > GLASS > GLACE Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment GEWEX > GMPP > GLASS > GSWP-2 Global Soil Wetness Project GEWEX > GMPP > GLASS > PILPS Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parmeterization
World Climate Research Programme 15 SPARC Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate SPARC / IPO International Project Office SPARC / SSG Scientific Steering Group WGNE Working Group on Numerical Experimentation WGNE / AMIP Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project WGCM Working Group on Coupled Modelling WGSF Working Group on Surface Fluxes CEOP Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period Reanalysis Centres AOPC Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate OOPC Ocean Observations Panel for Climate TOPC Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate
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